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RE: Gribtonc changes
- Subject: RE: Gribtonc changes
- Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 09:15:49 -0500
First of all, where do you work within NOAA? Are you at NESDIS? I'm just
curious. I work as a contract meteorologist for the National Weather
Service Spaceflight Meteorlogy Group in case you were wondering ...
Anyways, shockingly, I have actually been documenting the Unidata
netcdf-decoders package installation process. I have put this page out at:
Anyways, as you can see from the web page I created, there are some pitfalls
I ran into along the way, but was able to overcome. If you want, I can
clean up the page, removing all my pitfalls and silly comments and that way
you can have your "users" (who might this be??) reference this page? Just
let me know. I'm here to help!! We should work together to try and get the
NWS community all on the same page!!
Also, I'm not finished with the page because I want to add some examples on
how to use the "gribtonc" command via command line and via LDM. By the
way, does anybody have a CDL file written for the 12 km ETA data by chance?
One important thing: The web page I created assumes you have already
installed LDM!!! Do you know how to do this? If not, you can go to
http://my.unidata.ucar.edu and register as a my unidata user. Once you've
registered, click on the "Software" link and then click on "LDM" (or you can
go directly there by going to
http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/ldm/index.html ). We love LDM!!
FYI ... we just grabbed the binary version of LDM and are running 5.2.2, we
still need to step up to 6.0.13
As for your question of "if the awips table sited in the email below has
been used and works?" ... I am getting close to finding out. I finally
finished installing the decoders package yesterday. I'm taking baby steps
on using the decoders package right now and I plan on testing the awips
table CDL file next week. I'm hoping that it is straight forward to get the
resultant netcdf file to display in D2D?
Hope this helps!
Brian Hoeth
Spaceflight Meteorology Group
Johnson Space Center
Ph: 281-483-3246
Ops: 281-483-1051
-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Rutledge [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:57 AM
To: James E Ramer
Cc: 'Robb Kambic'; address@hidden; decoders
Subject: Re: Gribtonc changes
Hello all-
(Hello James...long time);
Before I sited some of the words below for inclusion into a new page at
NCDC (and the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System
(NOMADS- http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/nomads/nomads.html), page),
I wanted to ask if there was any page I can site for potential AWIPS
users of my site at Unidata, or FSL to convert raw grib to AWIPS style
NetCDF- and if the awips table sited in the email below has been used
and works?
One last question is where is the gribtonc code? Is that part of the
NetCDF library?
Best regards, Glenn
HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
> Glenn,
> Yes, Robb answered my inquiry. I have attached the email. I haven't had
> chance to play around with the AWIPS.tbl file yet, but I am hoping that it
> works.
> Robb: Thanks for all your hard work!!
> Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Rutledge [mailto:address@hidden]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 9:32 AM
> Cc: 'Robb Kambic'; address@hidden; decoders
> Subject: Re: Gribtonc changes
> Hello Robb,
> Was there a response this the inquiry (making gribtonc "AWIPS"
> friendly"?). I would expect that would be most useful to the NWS
> community in the field...
> Thx, Glenn
> HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>Has there been any talk about making the netcdf output of gribtonc "AWIPS
>>friendly"? Apparently (from what I've heard?), the netcdf files that are
>>output from gribtonc are not able to readily be input into AWIPS?
>>Also, has anybody got the decoders package working on the following
> platform
>>(output of uname -a is below):
>>Linux etamodel 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT 2002 i686 i686
>>i386 GNU/Linux
>>I am still having a heck of a time getting the decoders package and all
> the
>>ancillary packages (udunits, netcdf, netcdf-perl) to install properly on
> my
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:36 PM
>>To: address@hidden
>>Cc: decoders
>>Subject: Gribtonc changes
>>I'm writing to inform you about some proposed changes to the output
>>netCDF files produced by the gribtonc (GRIB-to-netCDF) decoder. There
>>are about 35 sites that have installed the decoders package as far as I
>>know. I'm currently in the process of updating the package, including
>>the CDLs to make them more useful and to add attributes required by
>>new conventions.
>>The original CDLs followed the NUWG conventions:
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/NUWG/
>>which haven't been modified in several years,
>>Lately the CF conventions
>> http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/cf-metadata/index.html
>>are becoming established as a more complete set of conventions for
>>model output. Also, we are considering including spatial and temporal
> type
>>variables to make the NetCDF file more GIS compatible. Another idea is to
>>enhance the metadata about the date for THREDDS servers and other NetCDF
>>The CDL variable names will continue to follow the NUWG conventions
>>for backward capability. The long_name attribute has been standardized
>>by concatenation of the NUWG variable name plus the NUWG level name
>>using the word "at" as a connector. So, the T_trop long_name is
>>"Temperature at tropopause" in all the CDLs. This supports
>>consistency in applications such as Unidata's IDV (Integrated Data
>>Viewer). For similar reasons, we are adding attributes required by
>>other conventions such as CF, such as the standard_name attribute. A
>>sample variable will look like:
>> float T_trop(record,y,x) ;
>> T_trop:long_name = "Temperature at tropopause" ;
>> T_trop:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
>> T_trop:units = "degK" ;
>> T_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
>> T_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
>> T_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>> T_trop:navigation = "nav" ;
>>Some other additions to the variable attributes are the
>>and the GRIB_level_flag attributes. These are being included so other
>>conventions may refer to the NCEP GRIB tables as a cross reference. This
>>permit more flexible usage for the NetCDF files.
>>Another variable has been added called forecast_time, a human readable
>>string representing the valid forecast times. To make the data
>>monotonically increasing, the code sets records for all the valid times in
>>netCDF file on initialization.
>>When netCDF GIS applications become available, the new NetCDF files
>>will already have the needed information for correct display. We are also
>>considering temporal variables so time bounding boxes can be created for
> the
>>This is a brief summary of the kind of modifications we are making to
>>the decoders package. If you have other ideas about what should be
>>included or omitted, please send in your comments.
>>Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
>>Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
>>address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> RE: Gribtonc changes
> From:
> Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
> Date:
> Tue, 17 Jun 2003 14:29:48 -0500
> To:
> "HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM)" <address@hidden>
> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>I have attached an email that Tim Oram put together that contains the
>>gribParameters files that convert the grib field into a netCDF variable
> for
>>Perhaps you can collaborate with Jim Ramer (I've cc'd him on this note)
> who
>>works with the AWIPS code at FSL there in Boulder? They obviously have
> some
>>sort of GRIB to netCDF decoder because you can feed GRIB data directly
> into
>>AWIPS and it will convert it to netCDF for display in D2D.
>>Our ultimate goal is to process GRIB data (on a workstation outside the
>>AWIPS network) before feeding it to our AWIPS LDAD. As I said, we could
>>always feed GRIB data directly to AWIPS, but this would most certainly
>>increase the load on AWIPS because the AWIPS gribdecoder would be bogged
>>down. By performing the GRIB to netCDF conversion outside of AWIPS, we
>>avoid this situation.
>>Hopefully, with the attached email and perhaps a little help from Jim (?),
>>you can incorporate the necessary changes into the Unidata gribtonc
> utility?
> Brian, et al,
> I used the attached table with the desired grib parameters to make a table
> that can be used with Unidata's gribtonc decoder. The resulting NetCDF
> file has all of the parameter names from the attached table that is
> closely related to Table 2 found in the NCEP unofficial GRIB (edition 1)
> document. I said closely related because Table 2 parameters can have
> spaces, ie "SNO M" parameter 99 and others. The space has always been a
> problem with our decoders. Anyway, the AWIPS.tbl file that's attached can
> be used with the -g flag for gribtocdl, gribdump and gribtonc programs,
> ie.
> % gribtocdl -v -g AWIPS.tbl <raw grib file>
> % gribtonc -l - -g AWIPS.tbl AWIPS.cdl AWIPS.nc < <raw grib file>
> I had to change a couple of units to be compatible with the Unidata
> package udunits, otherwise the table is intact. Also, there are man pages
> for all the above progams include in the decoders package to help with
> the syntax and the table construction.
> Robb...
>>Brian Hoeth
>>Spaceflight Meteorology Group
>>Johnson Space Center
>>Ph: 281-483-3246
>>Ops: 281-483-1051
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:39 AM
>>Cc: address@hidden; decoders
>>Subject: RE: Gribtonc changes
>>On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>>Has there been any talk about making the netcdf output of gribtonc
>>>friendly"? Apparently (from what I've heard?), the netcdf files that
> are
>>>output from gribtonc are not able to readily be input into AWIPS?
>>Since I don't work with AWIPS, I'm not familar with the format of the
>>NetCDF file needed. With the new changes for gribotnc that are coming,
>>"maybe" that can be incorporated. Could you forward the format of the
>>AWIPS NetCDF file to me?
>>>Also, has anybody got the decoders package working on the following
>>>(output of uname -a is below):
>>>Linux etamodel 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT 2002 i686 i686
>>>i386 GNU/Linux
>>I have compiled on the following system with not problem.
>>Linux sunshine.unidata.ucar.edu 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT
>>2002 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>>>I am still having a heck of a time getting the decoders package and all
>>>ancillary packages (udunits, netcdf, netcdf-perl) to install properly on
>>The comon problem is not setting CC on Linux, ie
>>% sentenv CC gcc
>>I not quite sure what you mean install properly? Do the packages compile?
>>Do your get runtime errors? etc. Also do you have log files of error
>>messages? I usually do command line for debugging, ie
>>% gribtonc -vl - test.cdl test.nc < test.grib
>>Sends the error messages to stdout.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:36 PM
>>>To: address@hidden
>>>Cc: decoders
>>>Subject: Gribtonc changes
>>>I'm writing to inform you about some proposed changes to the output
>>>netCDF files produced by the gribtonc (GRIB-to-netCDF) decoder. There
>>>are about 35 sites that have installed the decoders package as far as I
>>>know. I'm currently in the process of updating the package, including
>>>the CDLs to make them more useful and to add attributes required by
>>>new conventions.
>>>The original CDLs followed the NUWG conventions:
>>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/NUWG/
>>>which haven't been modified in several years,
>>>Lately the CF conventions
>>> http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/cf-metadata/index.html
>>>are becoming established as a more complete set of conventions for
>>>model output. Also, we are considering including spatial and temporal
>>>variables to make the NetCDF file more GIS compatible. Another idea is
> to
>>>enhance the metadata about the date for THREDDS servers and other NetCDF
>>>The CDL variable names will continue to follow the NUWG conventions
>>>for backward capability. The long_name attribute has been standardized
>>>by concatenation of the NUWG variable name plus the NUWG level name
>>>using the word "at" as a connector. So, the T_trop long_name is
>>>"Temperature at tropopause" in all the CDLs. This supports
>>>consistency in applications such as Unidata's IDV (Integrated Data
>>>Viewer). For similar reasons, we are adding attributes required by
>>>other conventions such as CF, such as the standard_name attribute. A
>>>sample variable will look like:
>>> float T_trop(record,y,x) ;
>>> T_trop:long_name = "Temperature at tropopause" ;
>>> T_trop:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
>>> T_trop:units = "degK" ;
>>> T_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
>>> T_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
>>> T_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>> T_trop:navigation = "nav" ;
>>>Some other additions to the variable attributes are the
>>>and the GRIB_level_flag attributes. These are being included so other
>>>conventions may refer to the NCEP GRIB tables as a cross reference.
> This
>>>permit more flexible usage for the NetCDF files.
>>>Another variable has been added called forecast_time, a human readable
>>>string representing the valid forecast times. To make the data
>>>monotonically increasing, the code sets records for all the valid times
> in
>>>netCDF file on initialization.
>>>When netCDF GIS applications become available, the new NetCDF files
>>>will already have the needed information for correct display. We are
> also
>>>considering temporal variables so time bounding boxes can be created for
>>>This is a brief summary of the kind of modifications we are making to
>>>the decoders package. If you have other ideas about what should be
>>>included or omitted, please send in your comments.
>>>Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
>>>Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for
> Atmospheric
>>>address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
>>Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
>>address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ===
> Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
> Research
> address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ===
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Grib ;netCDF ;long name
> 1 ;Px ;Pressure ;Pa
> 2 ;PMSL ;Pressure reduced to mean sea level ;Pa
> 3 ;PT ;Pressure tendency ;Pa/s
> 4 ;PVORT ;Potential vorticity
;Km**2/kg/s ;
> 5 ;ICAHT ;ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height ;m
> 6 ;GP ;Geopotential
;m**2/s**2 ;
> 7 ;GH ;Geopotential Height ;gp m
> 8 ;GeH ;Geometric Height ;m
> 9 ;HGHTSD ;Standard deviation of height ;m
> 10 ;TOZO ;Total ozone ;
> 11 ;T ;Temperature ;K
> 12 ;VT ;Virtual temperature ;K
> 13 ;PoT ;Potential temperature ;K
> 14 ;EPOT ;Equivalent potential temperature ;K
> 15 ;MxT ;Maximum temperature ;K
> 16 ;MnT ;Minimum temperature ;K
> 17 ;DpT ;Dew point temperature ;K
> 18 ;DpD ;Dew point depression ;K
> 19 ;LR ;Lapse rate ;K/m
> 20 ;Vis ;Visibility ;m
> 21 ;RSp1 ;Radar Spectra (1) ;
> 22 ;RSp2 ;Radar Spectra (2) ;
> 23 ;RSp3 ;Radar Spectra (3) ;
> 24 ;PLIx ;Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) ;K
> 25 ;Ta ;Temperature anomaly ;K
> 26 ;Pa ;Pressure anomaly ;Pa
> 27 ;GHa ;Geopotential height anomaly ;gp m
> 28 ;WSp1 ;Wave Spectra (1) ;
> 29 ;WSp2 ;Wave Spectra (2) ;
> 30 ;WSp3 ;Wave Spectra (3) ;
> 31 ;WD ;Wind direction (from which blowing)
;degrees_T ;
> 32 ;WS ;Wind speed ;m/s
> 33 ;uW ;u-component of wind ;m/s
> 34 ;vW ;v-component of wind ;m/s
> 35 ;SF ;Stream function ;m**2/s
> 36 ;VPOT ;Velocity potential ;m**2/s
> 37 ;MSG ;Montgomery stream function
;m**2/s**2 ;
> 38 ;SVV ;Sigma coordinate vertical velocity ;
> 39 ;PVV ;Pressure vertical velocity ;Pa/s
> 40 ;GVV ;Geometric vertical velocity ;m/s
> 41 ;AV ;Absolute vorticity ;
> 42 ;AD ;Absolute divergence ;
> 43 ;RV ;Relative vorticity ;
> 44 ;RD ;Relative divergence ;
> 45 ;VUCSH ;Vertical u-component shear ;
> 46 ;VVCSH ;Vertical v-component shear ;
> 47 ;DIRC ;Direction of current
;degrees_T ;
> 48 ;SPC ;Speed of current ;m/s
> 49 ;UOGRD ;u-component of current ;m/s
> 50 ;VOGRD ;v-component of current ;m/s
> 51 ;SH ;Specific humidity ;kg/kg
> 52 ;RH ;Relative humidity ;%
> 53 ;MIXR ;Humidity mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 54 ;PW ;Precipitable water ;kg/m**2
> 55 ;VAPP ;Vapor pressure ;Pa
> 56 ;SATD ;Saturation deficit ;Pa
> 57 ;EVP ;Evaporation ;kg/m**2
> 58 ;CIce ;Cloud Ice ;kg/m**2
> 59 ;PR ;Precipitation rate
;kg/m**2/s ;
> 60 ;ThP ;Thunderstorm probability ;%
> 61 ;TP ;Total precipitation ;kg/m**2
> 62 ;LgSP ;Large scale precipitation ;kg/m**2
> 63 ;CP ;Convective precipitation ;kg/m**2
> 64 ;SRWEQ ;Snowfall rate water equivalent
;kg/m**2/s ;
> 65 ;WEASD ;Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth ;kg/m**2
> 66 ;SnD ;Snow depth ;m
> 67 ;MIXHT ;Mixed layer depth ;m
> 68 ;TTHDP ;Transient thermocline depth ;m
> 69 ;MTHD ;Main thermocline depth ;m
> 70 ;MTHA ;Main thermocline anomaly ;m
> 71 ;TCC ;Total cloud cover ;%
> 72 ;CCC ;Convective cloud cover ;%
> 73 ;LCC ;Low cloud cover ;%
> 74 ;MCC ;Medium cloud cover ;%
> 75 ;HCC ;High cloud cover ;%
> 76 ;CWAT ;Cloud water ;kg/m**2
> 77 ;BLIx ;Best Lifted Index (to 500 hPa) ;K
> 78 ;SNOC ;Convective snow ;kg/m**2
> 79 ;SNOL ;Large scale snow ;kg/m**2
> 80 ;WT ;Water temperature ;K
> 81 ;LAND ;Land cover (land=1, sea=0) ;
> 82 ;DSLM ;Deviation of sea level from mean ;m
> 83 ;SFCR ;Surface roughness ;m
> 84 ;ALBDO ;Albedo ;%
> 85 ;ST ;Soil temperature ;K
> 86 ;SMC ;Soil moisture content ;kg/m**2
> 87 ;VEG ;Vegetation ;%
> 88 ;SALTY ;Salinity ;kg/kg
> 89 ;DEN ;Density ;kg/m**3
> 90 ;WATR ;Water runoff ;kg/m**2
> 91 ;ICEC ;Ice cover (ice=1, no ice=0) ;
> 92 ;ICETK ;Ice thickness ;m
> 93 ;DICED ;Direction of ice drift
;degrees_T ;
> 94 ;SICED ;Speed of ice drift ;m/s
> 95 ;UICE ;u-component of ice drift ;m/s
> 96 ;VICE ;v-component of ice drift ;m/s
> 97 ;ICEG ;Ice growth rate ;m/s
> 98 ;ICED ;Ice divergence ;
> 99 ;SNOM ;Snow melt ;kg/m**2
> 100 ;HTSGW ;Significant height of combined wind waves & swell ;m
> 101 ;WVDIR ;Direction of wind waves (from which)
;degrees_T ;
> 102 ;WVHGT ;Significant height of wind waves ;m
> 103 ;WVPER ;Mean period of wind waves ;s
> 104 ;SWDIR ;Direction of swell waves
;degrees_T ;
> 105 ;SWELL ;Significant height of swell waves ;m
> 106 ;SWPER ;Mean period of swell waves ;s
> 107 ;DIRPW ;Primary wave direction
;degrees_T ;
> 108 ;PERPW ;Primary wave mean period ;s
> 109 ;DIRSW ;Secondary wave direction
;degrees_T ;
> 110 ;PERSW ;Secondary wave mean period ;s
> 111 ;NSWRS ;Net short-wave radiation (surface) ;W/m**2
> 112 ;NLRS ;Net long-wave radiation (surface) ;W/m**2
> 113 ;NSWRT ;Net short-wave radiation (top of atmosphere) ;W/m**2
> 114 ;NLWRT ;Net long-wave radiation (top of atmosphere) ;W/m**2
> 115 ;LWAVR ;Long wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 116 ;SWAVR ;Short wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 117 ;GRAD ;Global radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 118 ;BRTMP ;Brightness temperature ;K
> 119 ;LWRAD ;Radiance (with respect to wave number) ;W/m/sr
> 120 ;SWRAD ;Radiance (with respect to wave length)
;W/m**3/sr ;
> 121 ;LHTFL ;Latent heat net flux ;W/m**2
> 122 ;SHTFL ;Sensible heat net flux ;W/m**2
> 123 ;BLYDP ;Boundary layer dissipation ;W/m**2
> 124 ;UFLX ;Momentum flux, u component ;N/m**2
> 125 ;VFLX ;Momentum flux, v component ;N/m**2
> 126 ;WMIXE ;Wind mixing energy ;J
> 127 ;IMGD ;Image data ;
> 128 ;MSLP ;Mean sea level pressure ;Pa
> 129 ;MMSP ;MAPS mean sea level pressure ;Pa
> 130 ;EMSP ;ETA mean sea level pressure ;Pa
> 131 ;SLIx ;Surface lifted index ;K
> 132 ;BLIx ;Best (4 layer) lifted index ;K
> 133 ;KI ;K index ;K
> 134 ;SI ;Sweat index ;K
> 135 ;MCONV ;Horizontal moisture divergence ;kg/kg/s
> 136 ;VSS ;Vertical speed shear ;1/s
> 137 ;PT3 ;Pressure tendency - 3 hour ;Pa/s
> 138 ;BVF2 ;Brunt-Vaisala frequency (squared) ;1/s**2
> 139 ;PVMV ;Potential vorticity (density weighted) ;1/s/m
> 140 ;CRAIN ;Categorical rain (yes=1, no=0) ;
> 141 ;CFRZR ;Categorical freezing rain (yes=1, no=0) ;
> 142 ;CICEP ;Categorical ice pellets (yes=1, no=0) ;
> 143 ;CSNOW ;Categorical snow (yes=1, no=0) ;
> 144 ;SOILW ;Volumetric soil moisture content ;
> 145 ;PEVPR ;Potential evaporation rate ;W/m**2
> 146 ;CWORK ;Cloud workfunction ;J/kg
> 147 ;UGWD ;Zonal flux of gravity wave stress ;N/m**2
> 148 ;VGWD ;Meridional flux of gravity wave stress ;N/m**2
> 149 ;PV ;Potential vorticity
;m**2/s/kg ;
> 150 ;COVMZ ;Covariance between meridional and zonal wind
;m**2/kg**2 ;
> 151 ;COVTZ ;Covariance between temperature and zonal wind ;K*m/s
> 152 ;COVTM ;Covariance between temperature and merid. wind ;K*m/s
> 153 ;CW ;Cloud water ;kg/kg
> 154 ;O3MR ;Ozone mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 155 ;GFLUX ;Ground Heat flux ;W/m**2
> 156 ;CIn ;Convective inhibition ;J/kg
> 157 ;CAPE ;Convective available potential energy ;J/kg
> 158 ;TKE ;Turbulent kinetic energy ;J/kg
> 159 ;CONDP ;Condensation pressure of parcel lifted from sfc ;Pa
> 160 ;CSUSF ;Clear sky upward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 161 ;CSDSF ;Clear sky downward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 162 ;CSULF ;Clear sky upward long wave flux ;W/m**2
> 163 ;CSDLF ;Clear sky downward long wave flux ;W/m**2
> 164 ;CFNSF ;Cloud forcing net solar flux ;W/m**2
> 165 ;CFNLF ;Cloud forcing net long wave flux ;W/m**2
> 166 ;VBDSF ;Visible beam downward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 167 ;VDDSF ;Visible diffuse downward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 168 ;NBDSF ;Near IR beam downward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 169 ;NDDSF ;Near IR diffuse downward solar flux ;W/m**2
> 170 ;RWMR ;Rain water mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 171 ;SNMR ;Snow mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 172 ;MFLX ;Momentum flux ;N/m**2
> 173 ;LMH ;Mass point model surface ;
> 174 ;LMV ;Velocity point model surface ;
> 175 ;MLYNO ;Model layer number (from bottom up) ;
> 176 ;NLAT ;Latitude ;deg
> 177 ;ELON ;East longitude ;deg
> 178 ;ICMR ;Ice mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 179 ;GRMR ;Graupel mixing ratio ;kg/kg
> 181 ;LPSX ;x-gradient of log pressure ;1/m
> 182 ;LPSY ;y-gradient of log pressure ;1/m
> 183 ;JGTX ;x-gradient of height ;m/m
> 184 ;JGTY ;y-gradient of height ;m/m
> 185 ;TURB ;Turbulence SIGMET/AIRMET ;
> 186 ;ICNG ;Icing SIGMET/AIRMET ;
> 187 ;LTNG ;Lightning ;
> 189 ;VPT ;Vitual potentail temperature ;K
> 190 ;Heli ;Helicity
;m**2/s**2 ;
> 191 ;PROB ;Probability from ensemble ;numeric
> 192 ;PROBN ;Probability from ensemble normalized to climate ;numeric
> 193 ;POP ;Probability of precipitation ;%
> 194 ;CPOFP ;Probability of frozen precipitation ;%
> 195 ;CPOZP ;Probability of freezing precipitation ;%
> 196 ;USTM ;u-component of storm motion ;m/s
> 197 ;VSTM ;v-component of storm motion ;m/s
> 198 ;NCIP ;Number conecntration for ice particles ;
> 199 ;EVBS ;Direct evaporation from bare soil ;W/m**2
> 200 ;EVCW ;Canopy water evaporation ;W/m**2
> 201 ;ICWAT ;Ice-free water surface ;%
> 204 ;DSWRF ;Downward short wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 205 ;DLWRF ;Downward long wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 206 ;UVI ;Ulta violet index (1 hr integration at solar noon);J/m**2
> 207 ;MSTAV ;Moisture availability ;%
> 208 ;SFEXC ;Exchange coefficient
> 209 ;MIXLY ;Number of mixed layers next to surface ;integer
> 210 ;TRANS ;Transpiration ;W/m**2
> 211 ;USWRF ;Upward short wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 212 ;ULWRF ;Upward long wave radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 213 ;CDLYR ;Amount of non-convective cloud ;%
> 214 ;CPRAT ;Convective precipitation rate
;kg/m**2/s ;
> 215 ;TTDIA ;Temperature tendency by all physics ;K/s
> 216 ;TTRAD ;Temperature tendency by all radiation ;K/s
> 217 ;TTPHY ;Temperature tendency by non-radiation physics ;K/s
> 218 ;PREIX ;Precipitation index(0.0-1.0) ;
> 219 ;TSDID ;Std. dev. of IR temperature over 1x1 deg area ;K
> 220 ;NLGSP ;Natural log of surface pressure ;In(kPa)
> 221 ;HPBL ;Planetary boundary layer height ;m
> 222 ;WGH ;5-wave geopotential height ;gp m
> 223 ;CNWAT ;Plant canopy surface water ;kg/m**2
> 224 ;SOTYP ;Soil type (as in Zobler) ;integer
> 225 ;VGTYP ;Vegitation type (as in SiB) ;integer
> 226 ;BMIXL ;Blackadar's mixing length scale ;m
> 227 ;AMIXL ;Asympotic mixing length scale ;m
> 228 ;PEVAP ;Potential evaporation ;kg/m**2
> 229 ;SNOHF ;Snow phase-change heat flux ;W/m**2
> 230 ;WGH5A ;5-wave geopotential height anomaly ;gp m
> 231 ;MFLUX ;Convective cloud mass flux ;Pa/s
> 232 ;DTRF ;Downward total radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 233 ;UTRF ;Upward total radiation flux ;W/m**2
> 234 ;BGRUN ;Baseflow-groundwater runoff ;kg/m**2
> 235 ;SSRUN ;Storm surface runoff ;kg/m**2
> 237 ;0TOT ;Total ozone ;kg/m**2
> 238 ;SCP ;Snow cover percentage ;%
> 239 ;SNOWT ;Snow temperature ;K
> 241 ;LRGHR ;Large scale condensation heat rate ;K/s
> 242 ;CNVHR ;Deep convective heating rate ;K/s
> 243 ;CNVMR ;Deep convective moistening rate ;kg/kg/s
> 244 ;SHAHR ;Shallow convective heating rate ;K/s
> 245 ;SHAMR ;Shallow convective moistening rate ;kg/kg/s
> 246 ;VDFHR ;Vertical diffusion heating rate ;K/s
> 247 ;VDFUA ;Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration ;m/s**2
> 248 ;VDFVA ;Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration ;m/s**2
> 249 ;VDFMR ;Vertical diffusion moistening rate ;kg/kg/s
> 250 ;SWHR ;Solar radiative heating rate ;K/s
> 251 ;LWHR ;Long wave radiative heating rate ;K/s
> 252 ;CD ;Drag coefficient ;
> 253 ;FRICV ;Friction velocity ;m/s
> 254 ;RI ;Richardson number ;
> 255 ;WGS ;Wind Gust Speed ;m/s