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Re: Gribtonc changes (fwd)

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 05:56:20 -0400
From: Glenn Rutledge <address@hidden>
To: Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Gribtonc changes

THanks Robb-
I've placed the url you site into our home pages.  THanks, and thanks
for the awips efforts.  It could prove useful (seems amazing we even
have to discuss a "style" of NetCDF eh?).

Regards, Glenn

Robb Kambic wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Glenn Rutledge wrote:
>>Hello all-
>>(Hello James...long time);
>>Before I sited some of the words below for inclusion into a new page at
>>NCDC (and the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System
>>(NOMADS- http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/nomads/nomads.html), page),
>>I wanted to ask if there was any page I can site for potential AWIPS
>>users of my site at Unidata, or FSL to convert raw grib to AWIPS style
>>NetCDF- and if the awips table sited in the email below has been used
>>and works?
> Glenn,
> Finally getting to my email after being out last week.  The NetCDF
> Decoders page is located at:
>  my.unidata.ucar.edu
> choose Software, choose netCDF Decoders
> One can get the information and  s/w there.
> There is no information about AWIPS on the page, it might become available
> if the AWIPS table I made for Brian Hoeth works correctly.  I'm still
> working with Brian on the s/w side of his set-up. If things pan out, then
> the netCDF decoder gribtonc will be able to create an AWIPS type netCDF
> file from a raw grib file.  I keep you informed.
> Robb...
>  >
>>One last question is where is the gribtonc code?  Is that part of the
>>NetCDF library?
>>Best regards, Glenn
>>HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>>Yes, Robb answered my inquiry.  I have attached the email.  I haven't had a
>>>chance to play around with the AWIPS.tbl file yet, but I am hoping that it
>>>Robb:  Thanks for all your hard work!!
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Glenn Rutledge [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 9:32 AM
>>>Cc: 'Robb Kambic'; address@hidden; decoders
>>>Subject: Re: Gribtonc changes
>>>Hello Robb,
>>>Was there a response this the inquiry (making gribtonc "AWIPS"
>>>friendly"?).  I would expect that would be most useful to the NWS
>>>community in the field...
>>>Thx, Glenn
>>>HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>>>Has there been any talk about making the netcdf output of gribtonc "AWIPS
>>>>friendly"?  Apparently (from what I've heard?), the netcdf files that are
>>>>output from gribtonc are not able to readily be input into AWIPS?
>>>>Also, has anybody got the decoders package working on the following
>>>>(output of uname -a is below):
>>>>Linux etamodel 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT 2002 i686 i686
>>>>i386 GNU/Linux
>>>>I am still having a heck of a time getting the decoders package and all
>>>>ancillary packages (udunits, netcdf, netcdf-perl) to install properly on
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:36 PM
>>>>To: address@hidden
>>>>Cc: decoders
>>>>Subject: Gribtonc changes
>>>>I'm writing to inform you about some proposed changes to the output
>>>>netCDF files produced by the gribtonc (GRIB-to-netCDF) decoder.  There
>>>>are about 35 sites that have installed the decoders package as far as I
>>>>know.  I'm currently in the process of updating the package, including
>>>>the CDLs to make them more useful and to add attributes required by
>>>>new conventions.
>>>>The original CDLs followed the NUWG conventions:
>>>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/NUWG/
>>>>which haven't been modified in several years,
>>>>Lately the CF conventions
>>>> http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/cf-metadata/index.html
>>>>are becoming established as a more complete set of conventions for
>>>>model output.  Also, we are considering including spatial and temporal
>>>>variables to make the NetCDF file more GIS compatible.  Another idea is to
>>>>enhance the metadata about the date for THREDDS servers and other NetCDF
>>>>The CDL variable names will continue to follow the NUWG conventions
>>>>for backward capability. The long_name attribute has been standardized
>>>>by concatenation of the NUWG variable name plus the NUWG level name
>>>>using the word "at" as a connector. So, the T_trop long_name is
>>>>"Temperature at tropopause" in all the CDLs.  This supports
>>>>consistency in applications such as Unidata's IDV (Integrated Data
>>>>Viewer). For similar reasons, we are adding attributes required by
>>>>other conventions such as CF, such as the standard_name attribute.  A
>>>>sample variable will look like:
>>>>       float  T_trop(record,y,x) ;
>>>>              T_trop:long_name = "Temperature at tropopause" ;
>>>>              T_trop:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
>>>>              T_trop:units = "degK" ;
>>>>              T_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
>>>>              T_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
>>>>              T_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>>              T_trop:navigation = "nav" ;
>>>>Some other additions to the variable attributes are the
>>>>and the GRIB_level_flag attributes. These are being included so other
>>>>conventions may refer to the NCEP GRIB tables as a cross reference.  This
>>>>permit more flexible usage for the NetCDF files.
>>>>Another variable has been added called forecast_time, a human readable
>>>>string representing the valid forecast times. To make the  data
>>>>monotonically increasing, the code sets records for all the valid times in
>>>>netCDF file on initialization.
>>>>When netCDF GIS applications become available, the new NetCDF files
>>>>will already have the needed information for correct display. We are also
>>>>considering temporal variables so time bounding boxes can be created for
>>>>This is a brief summary of the kind of modifications we are making to
>>>>the decoders package.  If you have other ideas about what should be
>>>>included or omitted, please send in your comments.
>>>>Robb Kambic                            Unidata Program Center
>>>>Software Engineer III                          Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
>>>>address@hidden                 WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>RE: Gribtonc changes
>>>Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
>>>Tue, 17 Jun 2003 14:29:48 -0500
>>>"HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM)" <address@hidden>
>>>On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>>>I have attached an email that Tim Oram put together that contains the
>>>>gribParameters files that convert the grib field into a netCDF variable
>>>>Perhaps you can collaborate with Jim Ramer (I've cc'd him on this note)
>>>>works with the AWIPS code at FSL there in Boulder?  They obviously have
>>>>sort of GRIB to netCDF decoder because you can feed GRIB data directly
>>>>AWIPS and it will convert it to netCDF for display in D2D.
>>>>Our ultimate goal is to process GRIB data (on a workstation outside the
>>>>AWIPS network) before feeding it to our AWIPS LDAD.  As I said, we could
>>>>always feed GRIB data directly to AWIPS, but this would most certainly
>>>>increase the load on AWIPS because the AWIPS gribdecoder would be bogged
>>>>down.  By performing the GRIB to netCDF conversion outside of AWIPS, we
>>>>avoid this situation.
>>>>Hopefully, with the attached email and perhaps a little help from Jim (?),
>>>>you can incorporate the necessary changes into the Unidata gribtonc
>>>Brian, et al,
>>>I used the attached table with the desired grib parameters to make a table
>>>that can be used with Unidata's gribtonc decoder.  The resulting NetCDF
>>>file has all of the parameter names from the attached table that is
>>>closely related to Table 2 found in the NCEP unofficial GRIB (edition 1)
>>> document. I said closely related because Table 2 parameters can have
>>>spaces, ie "SNO M" parameter 99 and others. The space has always been a
>>>problem with our decoders. Anyway, the AWIPS.tbl file that's attached can
>>>be used with the -g flag for gribtocdl, gribdump and gribtonc programs,
>>>% gribtocdl -v -g AWIPS.tbl <raw grib file>
>>>% gribtonc -l - -g AWIPS.tbl AWIPS.cdl AWIPS.nc <   <raw grib file>
>>>I had to change a couple of units to be compatible with the Unidata
>>>package udunits, otherwise the table is intact.  Also, there are man pages
>>>for all the above progams include in the decoders package to help with
>>>the syntax and the table construction.
>>>>Brian Hoeth
>>>>Spaceflight Meteorology Group
>>>>Johnson Space Center
>>>>Ph: 281-483-3246
>>>>Ops:  281-483-1051
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:39 AM
>>>>Cc: address@hidden; decoders
>>>>Subject: RE: Gribtonc changes
>>>>On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM) wrote:
>>>>>Has there been any talk about making the netcdf output of gribtonc
>>>>>friendly"?  Apparently (from what I've heard?), the netcdf files that
>>>>>output from gribtonc are not able to readily be input into AWIPS?
>>>>Since I don't work with AWIPS, I'm not familar with the format of the
>>>>NetCDF file needed. With the new changes for gribotnc that are coming,
>>>>"maybe" that can be incorporated.  Could you forward the format of the
>>>>AWIPS NetCDF file to me?
>>>>>Also, has anybody got the decoders package working on the following
>>>>>(output of uname -a is below):
>>>>>Linux etamodel 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT 2002 i686 i686
>>>>>i386 GNU/Linux
>>>>I have compiled on the following system with not problem.
>>>>Linux sunshine.unidata.ucar.edu 2.4.18-14smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 12:34:47 EDT
>>>>2002 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>>>>>I am still having a heck of a time getting the decoders package and all
>>>>>ancillary packages (udunits, netcdf, netcdf-perl) to install properly on
>>>>The comon problem is not setting CC on Linux, ie
>>>>% sentenv CC gcc
>>>>I not quite sure what you mean install properly?  Do the packages compile?
>>>>Do your get runtime errors? etc.  Also do you have log files of error
>>>>messages?  I usually do command line for debugging, ie
>>>>% gribtonc -vl - test.cdl test.nc < test.grib
>>>>Sends the error messages to stdout.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:36 PM
>>>>>To: address@hidden
>>>>>Cc: decoders
>>>>>Subject: Gribtonc changes
>>>>>I'm writing to inform you about some proposed changes to the output
>>>>>netCDF files produced by the gribtonc (GRIB-to-netCDF) decoder.  There
>>>>>are about 35 sites that have installed the decoders package as far as I
>>>>>know.  I'm currently in the process of updating the package, including
>>>>>the CDLs to make them more useful and to add attributes required by
>>>>>new conventions.
>>>>>The original CDLs followed the NUWG conventions:
>>>>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/NUWG/
>>>>>which haven't been modified in several years,
>>>>>Lately the CF conventions
>>>>> http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/cf-metadata/index.html
>>>>>are becoming established as a more complete set of conventions for
>>>>>model output.  Also, we are considering including spatial and temporal
>>>>>variables to make the NetCDF file more GIS compatible.  Another idea is
>>>>>enhance the metadata about the date for THREDDS servers and other NetCDF
>>>>>The CDL variable names will continue to follow the NUWG conventions
>>>>>for backward capability. The long_name attribute has been standardized
>>>>>by concatenation of the NUWG variable name plus the NUWG level name
>>>>>using the word "at" as a connector. So, the T_trop long_name is
>>>>>"Temperature at tropopause" in all the CDLs.  This supports
>>>>>consistency in applications such as Unidata's IDV (Integrated Data
>>>>>Viewer). For similar reasons, we are adding attributes required by
>>>>>other conventions such as CF, such as the standard_name attribute.  A
>>>>>sample variable will look like:
>>>>>       float  T_trop(record,y,x) ;
>>>>>              T_trop:long_name = "Temperature at tropopause" ;
>>>>>              T_trop:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
>>>>>              T_trop:units = "degK" ;
>>>>>              T_trop:GRIB_parameter_number = 11 ;
>>>>>              T_trop:GRIB_level_flag = 7 ;
>>>>>              T_trop:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
>>>>>              T_trop:navigation = "nav" ;
>>>>>Some other additions to the variable attributes are the
>>>>>and the GRIB_level_flag attributes. These are being included so other
>>>>>conventions may refer to the NCEP GRIB tables as a cross reference.
>>>>>permit more flexible usage for the NetCDF files.
>>>>>Another variable has been added called forecast_time, a human readable
>>>>>string representing the valid forecast times. To make the  data
>>>>>monotonically increasing, the code sets records for all the valid times
>>>>>netCDF file on initialization.
>>>>>When netCDF GIS applications become available, the new NetCDF files
>>>>>will already have the needed information for correct display. We are
>>>>>considering temporal variables so time bounding boxes can be created for
>>>>>This is a brief summary of the kind of modifications we are making to
>>>>>the decoders package.  If you have other ideas about what should be
>>>>>included or omitted, please send in your comments.
>>>>>Robb Kambic                                   Unidata Program Center
>>>>>Software Engineer III                         Univ. Corp for
>>>>>address@hidden                WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>>Robb Kambic                            Unidata Program Center
>>>>Software Engineer III                          Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
>>>>address@hidden                 WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>Robb Kambic                             Unidata Program Center
>>>Software Engineer III                           Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
>>>address@hidden                  WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>Grib ;netCDF  ;long name                                         
>>>1    ;Px      ;Pressure                                          ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>2    ;PMSL    ;Pressure reduced to mean sea level                ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>3    ;PT      ;Pressure tendency                                 ;Pa/s       
>>>  ;
>>>4    ;PVORT   ;Potential vorticity                               ;Km**2/kg/s 
>>>  ;
>>>5    ;ICAHT   ;ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height         ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>6    ;GP      ;Geopotential                                      ;m**2/s**2  
>>>  ;
>>>7    ;GH      ;Geopotential Height                               ;gp m       
>>>  ;
>>>8    ;GeH     ;Geometric Height                                  ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>9    ;HGHTSD  ;Standard deviation of height                      ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>10   ;TOZO    ;Total ozone                                       ;           
>>>  ;
>>>11   ;T       ;Temperature                                       ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>12   ;VT      ;Virtual temperature                               ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>13   ;PoT     ;Potential temperature                             ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>14   ;EPOT    ;Equivalent potential temperature                  ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>15   ;MxT     ;Maximum temperature                               ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>16   ;MnT     ;Minimum temperature                               ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>17   ;DpT     ;Dew point temperature                             ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>18   ;DpD     ;Dew point depression                              ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>19   ;LR      ;Lapse rate                                        ;K/m        
>>>  ;
>>>20   ;Vis     ;Visibility                                        ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>21   ;RSp1    ;Radar Spectra (1)                                 ;           
>>>  ;
>>>22   ;RSp2    ;Radar Spectra (2)                                 ;           
>>>  ;
>>>23   ;RSp3    ;Radar Spectra (3)                                 ;           
>>>  ;
>>>24   ;PLIx    ;Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)                  ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>25   ;Ta      ;Temperature anomaly                               ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>26   ;Pa      ;Pressure anomaly                                  ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>27   ;GHa     ;Geopotential height anomaly                       ;gp m       
>>>  ;
>>>28   ;WSp1    ;Wave Spectra (1)                                  ;           
>>>  ;
>>>29   ;WSp2    ;Wave Spectra (2)                                  ;           
>>>  ;
>>>30   ;WSp3    ;Wave Spectra (3)                                  ;           
>>>  ;
>>>31   ;WD      ;Wind direction (from which blowing)               ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>32   ;WS      ;Wind speed                                        ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>33   ;uW      ;u-component of wind                               ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>34   ;vW      ;v-component of wind                               ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>35   ;SF      ;Stream function                                   ;m**2/s     
>>>  ;
>>>36   ;VPOT    ;Velocity potential                                ;m**2/s     
>>>  ;
>>>37   ;MSG     ;Montgomery stream function                        ;m**2/s**2  
>>>  ;
>>>38   ;SVV     ;Sigma coordinate vertical velocity                ;           
>>>  ;
>>>39   ;PVV     ;Pressure vertical velocity                        ;Pa/s       
>>>  ;
>>>40   ;GVV     ;Geometric vertical velocity                       ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>41   ;AV      ;Absolute vorticity                                ;           
>>>  ;
>>>42   ;AD      ;Absolute divergence                               ;           
>>>  ;
>>>43   ;RV      ;Relative vorticity                                ;           
>>>  ;
>>>44   ;RD      ;Relative divergence                               ;           
>>>  ;
>>>45   ;VUCSH   ;Vertical u-component shear                        ;           
>>>  ;
>>>46   ;VVCSH   ;Vertical v-component shear                        ;           
>>>  ;
>>>47   ;DIRC    ;Direction of current                              ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>48   ;SPC     ;Speed of current                                  ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>49   ;UOGRD   ;u-component of current                            ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>50   ;VOGRD   ;v-component of current                            ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>51   ;SH      ;Specific humidity                                 ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>52   ;RH      ;Relative humidity                                 ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>53   ;MIXR    ;Humidity mixing ratio                             ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>54   ;PW      ;Precipitable water                                ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>55   ;VAPP    ;Vapor pressure                                    ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>56   ;SATD    ;Saturation deficit                                ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>57   ;EVP     ;Evaporation                                       ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>58   ;CIce    ;Cloud Ice                                         ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>59   ;PR      ;Precipitation rate                                ;kg/m**2/s  
>>>  ;
>>>60   ;ThP     ;Thunderstorm probability                          ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>61   ;TP      ;Total precipitation                               ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>62   ;LgSP    ;Large scale precipitation                         ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>63   ;CP      ;Convective precipitation                          ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>64   ;SRWEQ   ;Snowfall rate water equivalent                    ;kg/m**2/s  
>>>  ;
>>>65   ;WEASD   ;Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth        ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>66   ;SnD     ;Snow depth                                        ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>67   ;MIXHT   ;Mixed layer depth                                 ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>68   ;TTHDP   ;Transient thermocline depth                       ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>69   ;MTHD    ;Main thermocline depth                            ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>70   ;MTHA    ;Main thermocline anomaly                          ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>71   ;TCC     ;Total cloud cover                                 ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>72   ;CCC     ;Convective cloud cover                            ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>73   ;LCC     ;Low cloud cover                                   ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>74   ;MCC     ;Medium cloud cover                                ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>75   ;HCC     ;High cloud cover                                  ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>76   ;CWAT    ;Cloud water                                       ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>77   ;BLIx    ;Best Lifted Index (to 500 hPa)                    ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>78   ;SNOC    ;Convective snow                                   ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>79   ;SNOL    ;Large scale snow                                  ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>80   ;WT      ;Water temperature                                 ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>81   ;LAND    ;Land cover (land=1, sea=0)                        ;           
>>>  ;
>>>82   ;DSLM    ;Deviation of sea level from mean                  ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>83   ;SFCR    ;Surface roughness                                 ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>84   ;ALBDO   ;Albedo                                            ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>85   ;ST      ;Soil temperature                                  ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>86   ;SMC     ;Soil moisture content                             ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>87   ;VEG     ;Vegetation                                        ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>88   ;SALTY   ;Salinity                                          ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>89   ;DEN     ;Density                                           ;kg/m**3    
>>>  ;
>>>90   ;WATR    ;Water runoff                                      ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>91   ;ICEC    ;Ice cover (ice=1, no ice=0)                       ;           
>>>  ;
>>>92   ;ICETK   ;Ice thickness                                     ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>93   ;DICED   ;Direction of ice drift                            ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>94   ;SICED   ;Speed of ice drift                                ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>95   ;UICE    ;u-component of ice drift                          ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>96   ;VICE    ;v-component of ice drift                          ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>97   ;ICEG    ;Ice growth rate                                   ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>98   ;ICED    ;Ice divergence                                    ;           
>>>  ;
>>>99   ;SNOM    ;Snow melt                                         ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>100  ;HTSGW   ;Significant height of combined wind waves & swell ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>101  ;WVDIR   ;Direction of wind waves (from which)              ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>102  ;WVHGT   ;Significant height of wind waves                  ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>103  ;WVPER   ;Mean period of wind waves                         ;s          
>>>  ;
>>>104  ;SWDIR   ;Direction of swell waves                          ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>105  ;SWELL   ;Significant height of swell waves                 ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>106  ;SWPER   ;Mean period of swell waves                        ;s          
>>>  ;
>>>107  ;DIRPW   ;Primary wave direction                            ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>108  ;PERPW   ;Primary wave mean period                          ;s          
>>>  ;
>>>109  ;DIRSW   ;Secondary wave direction                          ;degrees_T  
>>>  ;
>>>110  ;PERSW   ;Secondary wave mean period                        ;s          
>>>  ;
>>>111  ;NSWRS   ;Net short-wave radiation (surface)                ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>112  ;NLRS    ;Net long-wave radiation (surface)                 ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>113  ;NSWRT   ;Net short-wave radiation (top of atmosphere)      ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>114  ;NLWRT   ;Net long-wave radiation (top of atmosphere)       ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>115  ;LWAVR   ;Long wave radiation flux                          ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>116  ;SWAVR   ;Short wave radiation flux                         ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>117  ;GRAD    ;Global radiation flux                             ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>118  ;BRTMP   ;Brightness temperature                            ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>119  ;LWRAD   ;Radiance (with respect to wave number)            ;W/m/sr     
>>>  ;
>>>120  ;SWRAD   ;Radiance (with respect to wave length)            ;W/m**3/sr  
>>>  ;
>>>121  ;LHTFL   ;Latent heat net flux                              ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>122  ;SHTFL   ;Sensible heat net flux                            ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>123  ;BLYDP   ;Boundary layer dissipation                        ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>124  ;UFLX    ;Momentum flux, u component                        ;N/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>125  ;VFLX    ;Momentum flux, v component                        ;N/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>126  ;WMIXE   ;Wind mixing energy                                ;J          
>>>  ;
>>>127  ;IMGD    ;Image data                                        ;           
>>>  ;
>>>128  ;MSLP    ;Mean sea level pressure                           ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>129  ;MMSP    ;MAPS mean sea level pressure                      ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>130  ;EMSP    ;ETA mean sea level pressure                       ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>131  ;SLIx    ;Surface lifted index                              ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>132  ;BLIx    ;Best (4 layer) lifted index                       ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>133  ;KI      ;K index                                           ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>134  ;SI      ;Sweat index                                       ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>135  ;MCONV   ;Horizontal moisture divergence                    ;kg/kg/s    
>>>  ;
>>>136  ;VSS     ;Vertical speed shear                              ;1/s        
>>>  ;
>>>137  ;PT3     ;Pressure tendency - 3 hour                        ;Pa/s       
>>>  ;
>>>138  ;BVF2    ;Brunt-Vaisala frequency (squared)                 ;1/s**2     
>>>  ;
>>>139  ;PVMV    ;Potential vorticity (density weighted)            ;1/s/m      
>>>  ;
>>>140  ;CRAIN   ;Categorical rain (yes=1, no=0)                    ;           
>>>  ;
>>>141  ;CFRZR   ;Categorical freezing rain (yes=1, no=0)           ;           
>>>  ;
>>>142  ;CICEP   ;Categorical ice pellets (yes=1, no=0)             ;           
>>>  ;
>>>143  ;CSNOW   ;Categorical snow (yes=1, no=0)                    ;           
>>>  ;
>>>144  ;SOILW   ;Volumetric soil moisture content                  ;           
>>>  ;
>>>145  ;PEVPR   ;Potential evaporation rate                        ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>146  ;CWORK   ;Cloud workfunction                                ;J/kg       
>>>  ;
>>>147  ;UGWD    ;Zonal flux of gravity wave stress                 ;N/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>148  ;VGWD    ;Meridional flux of gravity wave stress            ;N/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>149  ;PV      ;Potential vorticity                               ;m**2/s/kg  
>>>  ;
>>>150  ;COVMZ   ;Covariance between meridional and zonal wind      ;m**2/kg**2 
>>>  ;
>>>151  ;COVTZ   ;Covariance between temperature and zonal wind     ;K*m/s      
>>>  ;
>>>152  ;COVTM   ;Covariance between temperature and merid. wind    ;K*m/s      
>>>  ;
>>>153  ;CW      ;Cloud water                                       ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>154  ;O3MR    ;Ozone mixing ratio                                ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>155  ;GFLUX   ;Ground Heat flux                                  ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>156  ;CIn     ;Convective inhibition                             ;J/kg       
>>>  ;
>>>157  ;CAPE    ;Convective available potential energy             ;J/kg       
>>>  ;
>>>158  ;TKE     ;Turbulent kinetic energy                          ;J/kg       
>>>  ;
>>>159  ;CONDP   ;Condensation pressure of parcel lifted from sfc   ;Pa         
>>>  ;
>>>160  ;CSUSF   ;Clear sky upward solar flux                       ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>161  ;CSDSF   ;Clear sky downward solar flux                     ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>162  ;CSULF   ;Clear sky upward long wave flux                   ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>163  ;CSDLF   ;Clear sky downward long wave flux                 ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>164  ;CFNSF   ;Cloud forcing net solar flux                      ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>165  ;CFNLF   ;Cloud forcing net long wave flux                  ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>166  ;VBDSF   ;Visible beam downward solar flux                  ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>167  ;VDDSF   ;Visible diffuse downward solar flux               ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>168  ;NBDSF   ;Near IR beam downward solar flux                  ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>169  ;NDDSF   ;Near IR diffuse downward solar flux               ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>170  ;RWMR    ;Rain water mixing ratio                           ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>171  ;SNMR    ;Snow mixing ratio                                 ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>172  ;MFLX    ;Momentum flux                                     ;N/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>173  ;LMH     ;Mass point model surface                          ;           
>>>  ;
>>>174  ;LMV     ;Velocity point model surface                      ;           
>>>  ;
>>>175  ;MLYNO   ;Model layer number (from bottom up)               ;           
>>>  ;
>>>176  ;NLAT    ;Latitude                                          ;deg        
>>>  ;
>>>177  ;ELON    ;East longitude                                    ;deg        
>>>  ;
>>>178  ;ICMR    ;Ice mixing ratio                                  ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>179  ;GRMR    ;Graupel mixing ratio                              ;kg/kg      
>>>  ;
>>>181  ;LPSX    ;x-gradient of log pressure                        ;1/m        
>>>  ;
>>>182  ;LPSY    ;y-gradient of log pressure                        ;1/m        
>>>  ;
>>>183  ;JGTX    ;x-gradient of height                              ;m/m        
>>>  ;
>>>184  ;JGTY    ;y-gradient of height                              ;m/m        
>>>  ;
>>>185  ;TURB    ;Turbulence SIGMET/AIRMET                          ;           
>>>  ;
>>>186  ;ICNG    ;Icing SIGMET/AIRMET                               ;           
>>>  ;
>>>187  ;LTNG    ;Lightning                                         ;           
>>>  ;
>>>189  ;VPT     ;Vitual potentail temperature                      ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>190  ;Heli    ;Helicity                                          ;m**2/s**2  
>>>  ;
>>>191  ;PROB    ;Probability from ensemble                         ;numeric    
>>>  ;
>>>192  ;PROBN   ;Probability from ensemble normalized to climate   ;numeric    
>>>  ;
>>>193  ;POP     ;Probability of precipitation                      ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>194  ;CPOFP   ;Probability of frozen precipitation               ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>195  ;CPOZP   ;Probability of freezing precipitation             ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>196  ;USTM    ;u-component of storm motion                       ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>197  ;VSTM    ;v-component of storm motion                       ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>198  ;NCIP    ;Number conecntration for ice particles            ;           
>>>  ;
>>>199  ;EVBS    ;Direct evaporation from bare soil                 ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>200  ;EVCW    ;Canopy water evaporation                          ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>201  ;ICWAT   ;Ice-free water surface                            ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>204  ;DSWRF   ;Downward short wave radiation flux                ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>205  ;DLWRF   ;Downward long wave radiation flux                 ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>206  ;UVI     ;Ulta violet index (1 hr integration at solar noon);J/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>207  ;MSTAV   ;Moisture availability                             ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>208  ;SFEXC   ;Exchange coefficient                              
>>>209  ;MIXLY   ;Number of mixed layers next to surface            ;integer    
>>>  ;
>>>210  ;TRANS   ;Transpiration                                     ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>211  ;USWRF   ;Upward short wave radiation flux                  ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>212  ;ULWRF   ;Upward long wave radiation flux                   ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>213  ;CDLYR   ;Amount of non-convective cloud                    ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>214  ;CPRAT   ;Convective precipitation rate                     ;kg/m**2/s  
>>>  ;
>>>215  ;TTDIA   ;Temperature tendency by all physics               ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>216  ;TTRAD   ;Temperature tendency by all radiation             ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>217  ;TTPHY   ;Temperature tendency by non-radiation physics     ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>218  ;PREIX   ;Precipitation index(0.0-1.0)                      ;           
>>>  ;
>>>219  ;TSDID   ;Std. dev. of IR temperature over 1x1 deg area     ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>220  ;NLGSP   ;Natural log of surface pressure                   ;In(kPa)    
>>>  ;
>>>221  ;HPBL    ;Planetary boundary layer height                   ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>222  ;WGH     ;5-wave geopotential height                        ;gp m       
>>>  ;
>>>223  ;CNWAT   ;Plant canopy surface water                        ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>224  ;SOTYP   ;Soil type (as in Zobler)                          ;integer 
>>>225  ;VGTYP   ;Vegitation type (as in SiB)                       ;integer 
>>>226  ;BMIXL   ;Blackadar's mixing length scale                   ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>227  ;AMIXL   ;Asympotic mixing length scale                     ;m          
>>>  ;
>>>228  ;PEVAP   ;Potential evaporation                             ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>229  ;SNOHF   ;Snow phase-change heat flux                       ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>230  ;WGH5A   ;5-wave geopotential height anomaly                ;gp m       
>>>  ;
>>>231  ;MFLUX   ;Convective cloud mass flux                        ;Pa/s       
>>>  ;
>>>232  ;DTRF    ;Downward total radiation flux                     ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>233  ;UTRF    ;Upward total radiation flux                       ;W/m**2     
>>>  ;
>>>234  ;BGRUN   ;Baseflow-groundwater runoff                       ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>235  ;SSRUN   ;Storm surface runoff                              ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>237  ;0TOT    ;Total ozone                                       ;kg/m**2    
>>>  ;
>>>238  ;SCP     ;Snow cover percentage                             ;%          
>>>  ;
>>>239  ;SNOWT   ;Snow temperature                                  ;K          
>>>  ;
>>>241  ;LRGHR   ;Large scale condensation heat rate                ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>242  ;CNVHR   ;Deep convective heating rate                      ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>243  ;CNVMR   ;Deep convective moistening rate                   ;kg/kg/s    
>>>  ;
>>>244  ;SHAHR   ;Shallow convective heating rate                   ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>245  ;SHAMR   ;Shallow convective moistening rate                ;kg/kg/s    
>>>  ;
>>>246  ;VDFHR   ;Vertical diffusion heating rate                   ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>247  ;VDFUA   ;Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration             ;m/s**2     
>>>  ;
>>>248  ;VDFVA   ;Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration        ;m/s**2     
>>>  ;
>>>249  ;VDFMR   ;Vertical diffusion moistening rate                ;kg/kg/s    
>>>  ;
>>>250  ;SWHR    ;Solar radiative heating rate                      ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>251  ;LWHR    ;Long wave radiative heating rate                  ;K/s        
>>>  ;
>>>252  ;CD      ;Drag coefficient                                  ;           
>>>  ;
>>>253  ;FRICV   ;Friction velocity                                 ;m/s        
>>>  ;
>>>254  ;RI      ;Richardson number                                 ;           
>>>  ;
>>>255  ;WGS     ;Wind Gust Speed                                   ;m/s        
>>>  ;
> ===============================================================================
> Robb Kambic                              Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III                    Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
> address@hidden                   WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ===============================================================================