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RE: Tony Hansen request for assistance

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Hansen, Anthony R.  wrote:

> Robb;
>       Thanks for the information about THREDDS and the examples you
> included in your e-mail.  I think we can use this to get most of what we
> need from the MetarServer.  The exact syntax of the response doesn't
> really matter and I think we can parse the XML code as easily as
> anything else.  If we have any questions, I'll be in touch.  One


Glad you can use this service.

> additional question is, can we access the co-ordinate data on the
> positions of fronts that HPC puts out through THREDDS also?  We need to
> acquire frontal position data from somewhere for our forecast exercise
> and it would be convenient to be able to get that through your
> web-services also.

At this time THREDDS doesn't have frontal position data on a server, but
it's in the planning stages. It could be finished by the fall but I can't
make any promises.


>       Thanks for your attention to this, and we'll keep
you posted on
> how our project is proceeding.  Our goal is to have it ready for the
> coming fall semester.
> Tony
> ============================================
> Tony Hansen
> Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
> St. Cloud State University
> 720 Fourth Avenue South
> St. Cloud, MN  56301
> Phone:  320-255-2009
> Fax:      320-255-4262
> ============================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robb Kambic [mailto:address@hidden]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 2:39 PM
> To: Hansen, Anthony R.
> Cc: John Caron; Ben Domenico
> Subject: Tony Hansen request for assistance
> Tony,
> I don't if anyone from Unidata contacted you, so I'll respond to your
> question that was sent to the User's committee. My response will only
> deal with the data acquisition part of the question.
> At this time Unidata has the THREDDS project that's making dataset
> services available via web-services. Since THREDDS project is still in
> the development stages, not very many services are available. But, there
> is a Metar server that you might be interested in investigating.
> From your letter sent to the User committee, you mentioned a request in
> the
> format:
> <forecast>
>       <site>KSTC</site>
>       <date>04/02/03</date>
> </forecast>
> and a response of:
> <forecast-result>
>       <site>KSTC</site>
>       <date>04/02/03</date>
>       <temp tim=12Z>34</temp>
>       ....
> </forecast-result>
> At this time we don't have anything to satisfy the above syntax, but the
> Metar Server will take a URL and return an XML representation of the
> data in a general format of
>  <parameter name="time" value="221753Z" /> for the Metar report
> parameters.
> Using the URL:
> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/cgi-bin/MetarServer.pl?format=xm
> l&stn=KSTC&time=latest
> will return:
> <station name="KSTC">
>     <parameter name="report" value="KSTC 301753Z AUTO 28018G24KT 10SM
> OVC029 17/12 A2943 " />
>     <parameter name="time" value="301753Z" />
>     <parameter name="DIR" value="280" />
>     <parameter name="SPD" value="18KT" />
>     <parameter name="GUST" value="24" />
>     <parameter name="prevail_VIS_SM" value="10" />
>     <parameter name="cloud_type" value="OVC" />
>     <parameter name="cloud_hgt" value="2900" />
>     <parameter name="cloud_meters" value="870" />
>     <parameter name="T" value="17" />
>     <parameter name="TD" value="12" />
>     <parameter name="inches_ALTIM" value="29.43" />
> </station>
> The return is well-formed and valid XML that can be sent to any XML
> parser for data extraction.
> If you are interested in using the Metar Server, documentation is
> available. Actually there are many parameters that are configurable to
> closer satisfy your requirements.
> For documentation, look at this url near the bottom of the page, "Metar
> server on motherlode.ucar.edu"
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/tech/threddsData.html
> For Denver's KDEN report:
> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/cgi-bin/MetarServer.pl?format=xm
> l&
> stn=KDEN&time=latest
> <station name="KDEN">
>     <parameter name="report" value="KDEN 221753Z 06009KT 10SM CLR 23/07
> A3016 " />
>     <parameter name="time" value="221753Z" />
>     <parameter name="DIR" value="060" />
>     <parameter name="SPD" value="09KT" />
>     <parameter name="GUST" value="0" />
>     <parameter name="prevail_VIS_SM" value="10" />
>     <parameter name="cloud_type" value="CLR" />
>     <parameter name="T" value="23" />
>     <parameter name="TD" value="07" />
>     <parameter name="inches_ALTIM" value="30.16" />
> </station>
> Hopefully this will be helpful to you,
> Robb...
> ========================================================================
> =======
> Robb Kambic                              Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III                    Univ. Corp for Atmospheric
> Research
> address@hidden                   WWW:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> ========================================================================
> =======

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/