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Re: Degrib version 1.13


Last week, I downloaded, installed, and ran some tests on your grib2 package.
Everything worked quite well, the code looks organized and there's
grib1 support in the code also.  There is support for multiple parameter
tables in the code and option flags to configure the output.  You did a good

But, I do have one major concern, the package does not support streaming input.
Most of the grib decoders are inline decoders that get their input from the
NOAAPORT stream in some manner on STD input, AWIPS, Gempak, McIDAS,
gribtonc, etc. There's a couple reasons 1) the data is available in near-real
time in the desired format and 2) the data doesn't have to be stored twice,
once for each output format. Of course the 2nd reason isn't nearly as important
as the first but the future data streams will be in the order of gigabytes.

Do you plan on supporting streaming input?  After looking at the code, it
doesn't appear to be a major task.  It will take away your seeks to particular
points in the file but they could be replaced with offsets from a memory
pointer. I could have missed parts of your design so my guess on the amount
of work could be completely off base. But, I sincerely wish that you would
consider adding streaming input.  I'll attach a file called get_prod.c that
the gribtonc decoders uses to get grib products with the routine get_prod
using STD input.  I'm not saying that you should use the code, just look at
it for ideas, ok.

If you do add the streaming data input I would definitely use your
grib2 decoder with the Unidata LDM package. It would be enhanced to
have NetCDF file output also. Since your decoder supports GIS type
output formats, I could foresee it's use with many other packages in the

Thanks again,
Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
 *   Copyright 1996 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 *   See ../COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.

 * get_prod gets a GRIB product from a stream, which may be a pipe and
 * hence not seekable.
 * A GRIB product begins with 'GRIBnnn', where the 'nnn' bytes encode the
 * length of the product, including the terminating '7777' characters.  So
 * it seems we could just decode the nnn and read that far ahead.  But
 * since bogus 'GRIB' characters could occur in the middle of binary data,
 * this might send us looking 16 Mbytes ahead for a '7777' that won't be
 * found, and we can't seek backwards on the input, since it may be a pipe.
 * Hence to avoid losing products when this (unlikely) event happens, we
 * take a different approach, parsing the input by looking for 'GRIB' and
 * '7777' strings using a finite-state automaton that only reads at most
 * one byte ahead.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>             /* memset() ... */
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef _AIX
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "ulog.h"
#include "gribtypes.h"
#include "gds.h"
#include "gdes.h"
#include "gbytem.h"
#include "grib1.h"              /* for MAX_GRIB_SIZE */
#include "get_prod.h"
#include "emalloc.h"

#ifdef __STDC__
static char* new_prod_id(u_char * buf, u_char * sp);
static void init_char_class(void);
static enum PROD_MARK look_for_mark(FILE * stream, unsigned char** ptr, 
unsigned char* last, int *start_state);

#define WMO_HEADER_DEFAULT "header not found"

 * Extract WMO header, if any, from product.
 * If GRIB product not in a WMO envelope, just manufacture a unique string for
 * a header by using a sequence number.
static char*
new_prod_id(buf, sp)
    u_char *buf;
    u_char *sp;
    static long seqno = 0;      /* count used in manufactured headers */
    char *ret;


                                /* Fill in id field */
    if (sp > buf + 27 && *(sp-1) == 0xa &&
        *(sp-2) == 0xd && *(sp-3) == 0xd) {
        /* in a WMO envelope, so extract WMO header*/
        u_char *r1 = sp-3; /* after last character of WMO header */
        u_char *r0 = r1-1;
        while (*r0 != 0xa && r0 > buf)  /* find header start */
        if (r0 > buf) { /* header starts at r0+1 */
            ret = (char *)emalloc((r1-r0));
            strncpy(ret, (char *)r0 + 1, (r1-r0)-1);
            ret[(r1-r0)-1] = '\0';      /* null terminate */
        } else {                /* didn't find start of header */
            ret = emalloc(strlen(WMO_HEADER_DEFAULT)+1);
            strcpy(ret, WMO_HEADER_DEFAULT);
    } else {                    /* manufacture a product ID for header */
        char tmp[25];
        sprintf(tmp, "%ld", seqno);
        ret = (char *) emalloc(strlen(tmp)+1);
        strcpy(ret, tmp);
    return ret;

/* character classes used in WMO message finite state automaton (FSA) */
#define CL_G            0
#define CL_R            1
#define CL_I            2
#define CL_B            3
#define CL_7            4
#define CL_OTHER        5

/* mapping from input bytes to character classes */
static int char_class[256];
static int char_class_initialized = 0;

/* states in WMO message FSA */
#define ST_             0       /* ground state */
#define ST_G            6
#define ST_GR           12
#define ST_GRI          18
#define ST_GRIB         24
#define ST_GRIBn        30
#define ST_GRIBnn       36
#define ST_7            42
#define ST_77           48
#define ST_777          54
#define ST_7777         60      /* found possible end */
#define ST_GRIBnnn      66      /* found possible beginning */

 * FSA state transition table to simultaneously look for GRIB start of message
 * ('GRIB'nnn) and GRIB end of message ('7777').  If FSA is in state i
 * in comment at right of row and the next input character is in the class j
 * in comment at top of column, then the new state is fsa[i+j], which is in
 * the row i and column j.
static int fsa[] = {
  /* 'G'         'R'         'I'         'B'         '7'         OTHER          
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_,        ST_,        ST_7,       ST_,        /* 
ST_       */
    ST_G,       ST_GR,      ST_,        ST_,        ST_7,       ST_,        /* 
ST_G      */
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_GRI,     ST_,        ST_7,       ST_,        /* 
ST_GR     */
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_,        ST_GRIB,    ST_7,       ST_,        /* 
ST_GRI    */
    ST_GRIBn,   ST_GRIBn,   ST_GRIBn,   ST_GRIBn,   ST_GRIBn,   ST_GRIBn,   /* 
ST_GRIB   */
    ST_GRIBnn,  ST_GRIBnn,  ST_GRIBnn,  ST_GRIBnn,  ST_GRIBnn,  ST_GRIBnn,  /* 
ST_GRIBn  */
    ST_GRIBnnn, ST_GRIBnnn, ST_GRIBnnn, ST_GRIBnnn, ST_GRIBnnn, ST_GRIBnnn, /* 
ST_GRIBnn */
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_,        ST_,        ST_77,      ST_,        /* 
ST_7      */
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_,        ST_,        ST_777,     ST_,        /* 
ST_77     */
    ST_G,       ST_,        ST_,        ST_,        ST_7777,    ST_,        /* 
ST_777    */

/* Initialize character class mapping table */
static void
    int i = 255;
    while (i--)
      char_class[i] = CL_OTHER;
    char_class['G'] = CL_G;
    char_class['R'] = CL_R;
    char_class['I'] = CL_I;
    char_class['B'] = CL_B;    
    char_class['7'] = CL_7;    

 * Look for product delimiter on the specified stream, while capturing product
 * in buffer.  Returns
 *      READ_ERR        if error reading stream
 *      FOUND_START     if possible start of product found (GRIBnnn)
 *      FOUND_END       if possible end of product found (7777)
 *      FOUND_EOF       if EOF encountered searching for product
 *      NOT_FOUND       if buffer is full but neither start nor end of product
 *                      is seen 
 *  stream      open stdio stream from which input is read.
 *  ptr         on input, points to the beginning of the buffer where input
 *              is copied.  On return, points after last character copied.
 *  last        points to the end of the buffer where input is copied
 * If no product delimiter is found before buffer is full, returns NOT_FOUND.
static enum PROD_MARK
look_for_mark(stream, ptr, last, start_state)
     FILE * stream;
     unsigned char **ptr;
     unsigned char *last;
     int *start_state;
    int c;
    int state;
    unsigned char *cp = *ptr;

    /* int state = ST_;         start in ground state */
    state = *start_state;
    *start_state = ST_;

    if (!char_class_initialized) {
        char_class_initialized = 1;
    while ((c = getc(stream)) != EOF) {
        *cp++ = c;
        if (cp > last) {
            *ptr = cp;
            return NOT_FOUND;
        state = fsa[state + char_class[c]]; /* transition to new state */
        switch (state) {
          case ST_GRIBnnn:
            *ptr = cp;
            return FOUND_START;
          case ST_7777:
            *ptr = cp;
            return FOUND_END;
    if (feof(stream)) {
        *ptr = cp;
        if (state == ST_7777) {
            return FOUND_END;
        return FOUND_EOF;
    /* else */
    *ptr = cp;
    return READ_ERR;

 * Get a GRIB product from stdin.  Exit gracefully if timeout seconds have
 * elapsed without input available on stdin.
get_prod (stream, timeout, prodp)
    FILE *stream;
    int timeout;
    prod* prodp;
    static unsigned char buf[2*MAX_GRIB_SIZE];
    static unsigned char *start;
    int ifd = fileno(stream) ;  /* input file descriptor */
    int width = (1 << ifd) ;
    int ready ;
    fd_set readfds ;
    struct timeval timeo ;      /* timeout for read */
    static int in_product = 0;  /* true when scanning for end of product */
    unsigned char *cur = buf;   /* current position in buffer */
    unsigned char *bufend = &buf[2*MAX_GRIB_SIZE-1]; /* last place in buffer */

    while(1) {
        FD_ZERO(&readfds) ;
        FD_SET(ifd, &readfds) ;
        timeo.tv_sec = timeout ;
        timeo.tv_usec = 0 ;
#ifndef NO_SELECT
        ready = select(width, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeo) ;
        ready = 1;

        if(ready < 0 ) {
            if(errno == EINTR) { /* so will resume select, in case Sys V */
                errno = 0 ;
                continue ;
            serror("select") ;
            exit(8) ;
        /* else */
        if(ready > 0) {
            if(FD_ISSET(ifd, &readfds)) {
                 * If not in product, find start-of product.
                 * If in product, find end-of product.
                 * If EOF seen, exit gracefully
                int version=-1, flag0, state0=0;
                int total_len;  /* length of product according to GRIB message 
                int start_state;
                if (!in_product) {
                    cur = buf;
                    start_state = ST_;
                    switch(look_for_mark(stream, &cur, bufend, &start_state)) {
                      case FOUND_END:
                                /* '7777' seen, keep looking */
                      case FOUND_START:
                        start = cur - 7; /* position before "GRIBnnn" */
                        in_product = 1;
                        prodp->id = new_prod_id(buf, start); /* WMO header */
                        total_len = g3i((cur - 3)); /* decode nnn */
                      case FOUND_EOF:
                        uerror("error reading GRIB product");
                        return 0;
                if (in_product) {
                    int eof_found = 0;
                    start_state = ST_;
                    while (!eof_found) {
                        switch(look_for_mark(stream, &cur, bufend, 
&start_state)) {
                        case FOUND_START:
                            /* 'GRIB'nnn inside product assumed to be data */
                            break; /* keep reading */
                        case FOUND_END:
                            if (cur - start == total_len) {
                                if (version == -1) {
                                    version = *(start+7);
                                    if (version == 0) total_len += 4;
                                if (version == 0) {
                                    if(state0 == 0 && cur-start > total_len+3) {
                                        flag0 = *(start+11);
                                        if (flag0 & 0x80) {
                                            total_len += g3i(start+total_len);
                                    if (state0 == 1 && cur-start > total_len+3) 
                                        if (flag0 & 0x40) {
                                            total_len += g3i(start+total_len);
                                    if (state0 == 2 && cur-start > total_len+3) 
                                        total_len += g3i(start+total_len)+4;
                                prodp->len = cur - start;
                                prodp->bytes = (unsigned char *) start;
                                in_product = 0;
                                return prodp->len;
                            } else if (cur - start < total_len) {
                                start_state = ST_777;
                                break; /* bogus end in data, keep reading */
                            } else { /* past where end should have been */
                                uerror("oversize GRIB product 1");
                                uerror("GRIB product: %s", 
                                        new_prod_id(buf, start));
                                in_product = 0;
                                return 0;
                        case NOT_FOUND:
                            uerror("oversize GRIB product 2");
                            uerror("GRIB product: %s", new_prod_id(buf, start));
                            in_product = 0;
                            return 0;
                        case FOUND_EOF:
                            eof_found = 1;
                            uerror("error reading GRIB product");
                            in_product = 0;
                            return 0;
                /* We only get here if EOF read, so exit gracefully  */
                uinfo("EOF on input");
            continue ;
        /* else ready == 0, timeout expired, exit gracefully */
        uinfo("timeout expired, exiting");

#include "test_noserc.h"
/* add_get_prod is added by Terje R., this function is based on get_prod.
 * Get a GRIB product from stdin.  Exit gracefully if timeout seconds have
 * elapsed without input available on stdin. Only difference from get_prod
 * is in the case of FOUND_EOF. 
add_get_prod(stream, timeout, prodp)
    FILE *stream;
    int timeout;
    prod* prodp;
    static unsigned char buf[2*MAX_GRIB_SIZE];
    static unsigned char *start;
    int ifd = fileno(stream) ;  /* input file descriptor */
    int width = (1 << ifd) ;
    int ready ;
    fd_set readfds ;
    struct timeval timeo ;      /* timeout for read */
    static int in_product = 0;  /* true when scanning for end of product */
    unsigned char *cur = buf;   /* current position in buffer */
    unsigned char *bufend = &buf[2*MAX_GRIB_SIZE-1]; /* last place in buffer */

    while(1) {
        TEST_NOSERC("while(1)", 0 );
        FD_ZERO(&readfds) ;
        FD_SET(ifd, &readfds) ;
        timeo.tv_sec = timeout ;
        timeo.tv_usec = 0 ;
#ifndef NO_SELECT
        TEST_NOSERC( "#ifndef NO_SELECT", 1 );
        ready = select(width, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeo) ;
        TEST_NOSERC( "#else / #ifndef NO_SELECT", 2 );
        ready = 1;

        if(ready < 0 ) {
            if(errno == EINTR) { /* so will resume select, in case Sys V */
                errno = 0 ;
                continue ;
            serror("select") ;
            exit(8) ;
        /* else */
        if(ready > 0) {
            if(FD_ISSET(ifd, &readfds)) {
                 * If not in product, find start-of product.
                 * If in product, find end-of product.
                 * If EOF seen, exit gracefully
                int version=-1, flag0, state0=0;
                int total_len;  /* length of product according to GRIB message 
                int start_state;
                if (!in_product) {
                    TEST_NOSERC( "!in_product", 1 );
                    cur = buf;
                    start_state = ST_;
                    switch(look_for_mark(stream, &cur, bufend, &start_state)) {
                      case FOUND_END:
                                /* '7777' seen, keep looking */
                      case FOUND_START:
                        start = cur - 7; /* position before "GRIBnnn" */
                        in_product = 1;
                        prodp->id = new_prod_id(buf, start); /* WMO header */
                        total_len = g3i((cur - 3)); /* decode nnn */
                      case FOUND_EOF: 
                           TEST_NOSERC( "FOUND_EOF !in_product", 121 );
                        uerror("error reading GRIB product");
                        return 0;
                if (in_product) {     
                    int eof_found = 0;
                    start_state = ST_;
                    TEST_NOSERC( "in_product", 2 );
                    while (!eof_found) {
                        TEST_NOSERC( "while (!eof_found)", 3 );
                        switch(look_for_mark(stream, &cur, bufend, 
&start_state)) {
                        case FOUND_START:
                            TEST_NOSERC( " FOUND_START", 4 );
                            /* 'GRIB'nnn inside product assumed to be data */
                            break; /* keep reading */
                        case FOUND_END:
                            TEST_NOSERC(" FOUND_END", 4 );
                            if (cur - start == total_len) {
                                TEST_NOSERC("if (cur - start == total_len)", 4 
                                if (version == -1) {
                                    version = *(start+7);
                                    if (version == 0) total_len += 4;
                                if (version == 0) {
                                    if(state0 == 0 && cur-start > total_len+3) {
                                        flag0 = *(start+11);
                                        if (flag0 & 0x80) {
                                            total_len += g3i(start+total_len);
                                    if (state0 == 1 && cur-start > total_len+3) 
                                        if (flag0 & 0x40) {
                                            total_len += g3i(start+total_len);
                                    if (state0 == 2 && cur-start > total_len+3) 
                                        total_len += g3i(start+total_len)+4;
                                prodp->len = cur - start;
                                prodp->bytes = (unsigned char *) start;
                                in_product = 0;
                                return prodp->len;
                            } else if (cur - start < total_len) {
                                TEST_NOSERC( "else if (cur - start < 
total_len)", 4 );
                                start_state = ST_777;
                                break; /* bogus end in data, keep reading */
                            } else { /* past where end should have been */
                                TEST_NOSERC( "else", 4 );
                                uerror("oversize GRIB product 1");
                                uerror("GRIB product: %s", 
                                        new_prod_id(buf, start));
                                in_product = 0;
                                return 0;
                        case NOT_FOUND:
                            TEST_NOSERC( "NOT_FOUND", 4 );
                            uerror("oversize GRIB product 2");
                            uerror("GRIB product: %s", new_prod_id(buf, start));
                            in_product = 0;
                            return 0;
                        case FOUND_EOF:
                            TEST_NOSERC( "FOUND_EOF", 4 );
                            eof_found = 1;  
                            TEST_NOSERC( "default", 4 );
                            uerror("error reading GRIB product");
                            in_product = 0;
                            return 0;
                /* We only get here if EOF read, so exit gracefully  */
                uinfo("EOF on input");
                /* new code by Terje */
                TEST_NOSERC( "FOUND_EOF", 121 );
                return -1;
                /* exit(0); */
            continue ;
        /* else ready == 0, timeout expired, exit gracefully */
        uinfo("timeout expired, exiting");