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Re: GRIB to netCDF (fwd)

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Russ Rew wrote:

> Robb,
> Do we have any examples of ECMWF seasonal forecast GRIB files that
> would help with this?  If not, do you think if I asked for access to
> some of these, we could create the necessary CDL, or are there
> conflicts between NCEP and ECMWF parameter tables that would make this
> difficult?


No examples of ECMWF seasonal forecast GRIB files available.

Currently I'm working on ecmwf model, that's the errors in the ldmd.log
file we were talking about yesterday. It appears that the GDS parameters
for some of the products are confusing gribtonc on where to place the
data.  I wonder if the fix for this problem will solve the ensemble
seasonal forecasts problem. Also this is stitched grid and gribtocdl will
"not" get the some of the parameters correct because it will only get the
parameters for the subset of data. This is not hard to correct but it
 has to be done by hand.

The second part:

NCEP GRIB parameter tables  are different with ECMWF tables.  I will have
to work out a solution with the auxiliary tables and the gribtocdl
utility and gribtonc with a example data file  that you have requested.

At this point I don't know how much work is involved, but I'm working on


> --Russ
> ------- Forwarded Message
> Date:    Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:45:58 -0500
> From:    "John A. Dutton" <address@hidden>
> To:      address@hidden
> cc:      address@hidden, address@hidden
> Subject: GRIB to netCDF
> Hi Russ..
> It seems I have a flood of questions after years of silence...
> Thanks for your prompt reply on Monday.  I got the SST data I needed
> via a direct compile and execution of a little program via gcc, but I
> still have not gotten the library to work in Code Warrior.  I sent a
> message to Metrowerks...we'll see if I get an answer.
> New problem: We are encountering difficulties in trying to convert
> ECMWF GRIB files of  ensemble seasonal forecasts to netCDF.   The
> issue seems to turn on the fact that the  Unidata gribtocdl utilities
> are using the NCEP GRIB
> parameter tables and that there are differences with ECMWF.
> Any information or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Please REPLY to ALL since Ben Hauger above is actually doing the work.
> Again, many thanks, John
> --
> John A. Dutton
> Professor of Meteorology and Dean Emeritus
> College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
> The Pennsylvania State University
> 814 865 1534
> ------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/