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Re: 20020822: ldm-5.2 pqsurf problems on IRIX (fwd)

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 12:08:57 -0400
From: "[ISO-8859-1] Christian Pagé" <address@hidden>
To: Greg Thompson <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20020822: ldm-5.2 pqsurf problems on IRIX

Hi Greg,

Yes I would be very interested in the code.
We do have MySQL running on our LDM/Apache machine, so I could use right 
away the code.
I am not that familiar with MySQL, but how do you setup the location of 
the database (since it can be quite huge).
Is there a way to build an archive from raw wmo metar data using this 
code too?

Thanks a lot,

Christian Pagé

On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 11:15 AM, Greg Thompson wrote:

> Christian,
> there were long-standing problems with pqsurf like stability
> and ability to ingest all METARs (our raw files always had ALL
> METARs while our gdbm files always missed some METARs like
> Canadian SPECIs).  We had horrible stability issues when we
> changed Linux systems from Debian to Red Hat (pqsurf used to
> stay alive for weeks at a time then die unexpectedly under
> Debian but then it began dying every day or two under Red Hat).
> Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and re-wrote the
> "metar2nc" Unidata decoder to ingest/decode METARs and populate
> a MySQL database.  I spent nearly 150 hours re-writing the
> decoder to handle ALL METARs not just the U.S. ones.  This DB
> is far, far better than either raw text files or NetCDF files.
> You can see the database in action on two websites I maintain:
>    http://www.rap.ucar.edu/weather/surface/
>    http://adds.aviationweather.gov/projects/adds/metars/
> If you're interested in this technique, I can share the code
> with you.  Though it is currently MySQL specific, it would not
> take much effort to adapt it to either Oracle, mSQL, PostgresSQL,
> or other db systems.
> --
> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Greg Thompson       http://www.rap.ucar.edu/~gthompsn/       |
> |                     Research Applications Program            |
> | (303) 497-2805      National Center for Atmospheric Research |
> |    (fax) -8401      P.O. Box 3000  Boulder, CO 80307-3000    |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, [ISO-8859-1] Christian Pag? wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Your comment made me find the problem, it was the gdbm library : it
>>>> was not the correct version. I am now using the correct version
>>>> which is 1.7.3 and everything works fine again! Maybe the gdbm
>>>> should be bundled with ldm?
>>> Christian,
>>> I'm glad you found the problem. Actually we are trying to depreciate 
>>> the
>>> pqsurf code because it breaks when every there's a major change in the
>>> bulletins. I believe the folks at RAP are working on a solution. I'll 
>>> cc
>>> Celia at RAP, maybe she can  point us to a contact person working on 
>>> the
>>> solution.
>>> Thanks,
>>> RObb...
>>>> Thanks Robb! :-)
>>>> Christian Pag?
>>>> UQAM
>>>> On Jeudi, ao?t 22, 2002, at 04:15 , Robb Kambic wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Unidata Support wrote:
>>>>>> ------- Forwarded Message
>>>>>>> To: address@hidden
>>>>>>> From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Christian_Pag=E9?= <address@hidden>
>>>>>>> Subject: ldm-5.2 problems
>>>>>>> Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal
>>>>>>> Keywords: 200208221254.g7MCs8K03800 LDM 5.2 pqsurf
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I still have the problem of running ldm-5.2 (see previous emails
>>>>>> on this
>>>>>> problem). My problem is that pqsurf exits (and ldm-5.2 is brought
>>>>>> down)
>>>>>> when I have a DBFILE in my pqsurf.conf. Is this a bug in ldm-5.2?
>>>>>> It was
>>>>>> running fine with ldm-5.1.4.
>>>>> Christian,
>>>>> I a little confused here, does  ldm-5.1.4 run fine with the  DBFILE 
>>>>> in
>>>>> pqsurf.conf?  Maybe you need to rebuild GDBM ?  Also if the
>>>>> program dump
>>>>> core, could you send the  dbx where again?
>>>>> I check the release notes for 5.2, there wasn't any mods to the 
>>>>> pqact
>>>>> code.
>>>>> Robb...
>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>> Christian Pag?
>>>>>> address@hidden UQAM
>>>>>> http://meteocentre.com/    http://meteoalerte.com/
>>>>>> Agent de recherche et de planif. +1 514 987 3000 ext. 2376
>>>>>> D?partement des Sci. de la Terre et de l'Atmosph?re UQAM
>>>>>> ------- End of Forwarded Message
>>>>> =====================================================================
>>>>> ====
>>>>> ======
>>>>> Robb Kambic                                  Unidata Program Center
>>>>> Software Engineer III                        Univ. Corp for Atmospheric 
>>>>> Research
>>>>> address@hidden               WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
>>>>> =====================================================================
>>>>> ====
>>>>> ======
>>>> Christian Pag?
>>>> address@hidden
>>>> http://meteocentre.com/        http://meteoalerte.com/
>>>> Agent de recherche et de planification +1 514 987 3000 ext. 2376
>>>> D?partement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Atmosph?re UQAM

Christian Pagé
http://meteocentre.com/    http://meteoalerte.com/

Etudiant au Doctorat en Sciences de l'environnement UQAM
+1 514 987 3000 ext. 2376