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Re: Subroutine to convert arrays of numbers to string arrays

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Steve Diggs wrote:

> Robb,
> This is a 'quick-hack' subroutine to take those arrays of short integers
> that used to be string arrays in netCDF into a Perl array of strings.  No
> error checking (which could be added).
> Let me know if you find this tool useful.


It's a good idea to use pack, but I think the return should of been of
type string not array. The reason is perl uses string vs array.  It
wouldn't be hard to change. Good idea though.


> -sd
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Steve Diggs                                   Voice: (858)534-1108
> Scripps Institution of Oceanography           FAX  : (858)534-7383
> WOCE Hydrographic Program Office/STS          EMAIL: address@hidden
> 9500 Gilman Drive                             WWW  : whpo.ucsd.edu
> La Jolla, CA 92093-0214
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> #
> #--> This subroutine will take in a null padded array of numerical
> #--> CHARS into an array of strings.  Takes the array as input, output
> #--> in an array of strings.
> #
> #--> S. Diggs: 1999.11.22
> #
> sub num_to_string_array       {
> my $string_sect = pack('C*', @_);
> my @new_dum = split /\000+/,$string_sect;
> my @return_array = @new_dum;
> }
> 1;

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/