Hi Shawn, Planned activity. Core Support Team stopped the flow of messages and then resumed them. Hence the alarms. Our apologies for not letting you know in advance. Ariel (CHG0315377): ODS Prod Database Switchover from Primary to Standby Cutover Script attached. Sharepoint Link -
https://team.ual.com/collab/eQRM/Lists/ODS%20Database%20Switchover%20from%20Primary%20to%20HOT%20Standb/AllItems.aspx Critical Change window:
Impact Outage: 02/10/2025 02:05 AM CT – 02:35 AM CT
Fall back if any: 02/10/2025 03:05 AM CT – 04:05 AM CT
Impact: During the cutover the following impact is expected for NOC related applications up to 30 mins (additional 30 mins for rollback). From: Geraghty, Shawn <address@hidden>
This message was sent from outside of United Airlines. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize
the sender and know that the content is safe. Hi Ariel/Team: We are seeing various MQ related alarms on MP1 and MP2 in production. Any info from your side? sg Shawn Geraghty |
Principal Engineer, Software Engineering |
Connected Aviation Solutions COLLINS AEROSPACE 2551 Riva Road, Annapolis MD 21401 USA |