We saw NOAA main, prod Boulder queues clear. However, test boulder continues to build, i.e. the web socket is still down. Can you check on your end?
Shawn Geraghty |
Principal Engineer, Software Engineering |
Connected Aviation Solutions
2551 Riva Road, Annapolis MD 21401 USA
address@hidden | www.collinsaerospace.com
| +1 410 562 3642
NOAA GSL Data Services <address@hidden>
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 3:03 PM
To: address@hidden <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, David Morris <address@hidden>, Teja Chepuri <address@hidden>, Chris Callais <address@hidden>,
address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Amanda Terborg - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Karen Cooper <address@hidden>, Carrie
Langston <address@hidden>, Heather Reeves <address@hidden>, Adam Mayor <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Carl Dierking <address@hidden>,
George Trojan <address@hidden>, Lee Hobart <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Geraghty, Shawn (USA) <address@hidden>, Hendricks, Jeannine (USA) <address@hidden>,
address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Lee Cronce <address@hidden>, Jason Otkin <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, OP <address@hidden>, Tony Liao - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden>,
address@hidden <address@hidden>, 陳婉瑜課長 <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden
<address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, address@hidden <address@hidden>, Christina Tuttle <address@hidden>,
Cara Herbers <address@hidden>, Daniel Yeomans <address@hidden>, _OAR GSL ITS DSG <address@hidden>
Subject: [External] Re: (Correction) DSRC Extended Maintenance Outage - February 4 – 6, 2025
We are in the process of bringing our systems back up. We will notify you upon completion or if anything significant occurs in the process.
Richard Ryan
On 2/3/25 6:55 PM, NOAA GSL Data Services wrote:
GSA will be performing required maintenance on power systems at the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC) in Boulder on February 4, 2025. To accommodate this work, all data systems operated by the NOAA Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) will
be shut down for an extended period of time, starting on Tuesday, 2/4, around 4pm MST (23Z) and ending late morning (before 12:00 noon MST — 19Z) on Thursday, 2/6.
Accordingly, GSL's ftp, LDM and THREDDS data distribution services for experimental GSL products will be unavailable through the work period.
We apologize for the inconvenience. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact GSL's Systems Support Group (SSG) at ssg.gsl@noaa.
Richard A. Ryan
NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory
IT Services/Data Services Group