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[Datastream #FQT-716334]: GOES-R ldm netcdf files
- Subject: [Datastream #FQT-716334]: GOES-R ldm netcdf files
- Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 15:57:22 -0600
> We are getting the L1b and L2 files via the ldm but have noticed something
> odd about the L2 filenames. For those files the start, end and creation
> times are all exactly the same. This seems to be in error. Can you
> explain?
When I initiated the insertion of the fully reconstituted ABI L2 files
that originate from NOAAPort into the NIMAGE feed, there was only one time
available in the global attribute section of the images, so I set all
three times to be the same. My other alternative was to not include a
time other than the start time.
I just checked a randomly chosen file ABI L2 file (CONUS, Channel02 for a
random time), and that is still the case:
// global attributes:
:title = "Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery for the
ECONUSM6 region." ;
B" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
:channel_id = 2 ;
:central_wavelength = 0.64f ;
:abi_mode = 6 ;
:source_scene = "CONUS" ;
:periodicity = 5.f ;
:production_location = "WCDAS" ;
:product_name = "ECONUS-005-B12-M6C02" ;
:satellite_id = "GOES-16" ;
:product_center_latitude = 30.083002673728 ;
:product_center_longitude = -87.0969584482453 ;
:projection = "Fixed Grid" ;
:bit_depth = 12 ;
:source_spatial_resolution = 0.5f ;
:request_spatial_resolution = 0.5f ;
:start_date_time = "2019275214623" ;
It is most interesting that the other L2 products that are being
sent in NOAAPort do have all three times, so those files can
be appropriately named.
> FYI, the L1b filenames are all seemingly correct with different values for
> start, end and creation times.
Yes, and those three times are all available in the files, so the software
that we use to stitch together the GRB-delivered tiles (CSPP GEO) can
name the images correctly.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FQT-716334
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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