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[Datastream #FCT-186233]: Gap in Satellite Composite
- Subject: [Datastream #FCT-186233]: Gap in Satellite Composite
- Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 15:02:55 -0600
> I'm currently studying your Wisconsin Datastream Satellite Imagery, and I'm
> curious about the black gaps in the satellite composites.
> Is no data collected for these gaps?
No. The gaps are a result of stitching together swaths from polar
orbiting satellites as they pass over the pole; the blank areas are
where there were no data for the nominal time of the image.
> Is this intentional or accidental?
Neither. The gaps are a result of a lack of data only.
> What is the reason for their strange shapes?
There are several videos on YouTube that show how polar orbiting satellite
coverages vary from orbit to orbit. The one that I saw that visually
explains the gaps can be found by using the following as the key in
a YouTube search:
CryoSat's polar orbit
This video only shows the swath from one satellite. You need to imagine
swaths from several satellites to get a good idea of why the blank areas
have strange shapes.
> Many thanks,
I hope that this helped!
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FCT-186233
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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