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[Datastream #QOK-427508]: NPS: New "manager", Date problem
- Subject: [Datastream #QOK-427508]: NPS: New "manager", Date problem
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 13:17:45 -0600
> Thanks for your thorough reply, with its valuable information!
No worries. I'm glad that it was of some help.
> Our satellite imagery (GOES-15) are fine. The problem occurs with model data.
> Our machine name is lx119.uc.nps.edu.
OK, thanks. We are not receiving real-time stats from this machine.
> Here is a snippet of the configuration file, where you can see that our
> statistics
> sharing capability is HEAVILY commented out! My immediate assumption is that
> our campus
> firewall was not allowing it to leave campus and was causing troubles, but
> that is just
> a guess.
That is my guess as well.
> Following that are "request" commands, which may answer your question
> regarding
> the IDD feed:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> # rtstats uses the LDM to send product latency statistics to the UPC.
> # For more info on rtstats please see the man page.
> ####EXEC "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"
> #EXEC "pqsurf"
> #
> ###############################################################################
> # Request Entries
> ###############################################################################
> #
> # Request data-products from upstream LDM-s. The syntax is
> #
> # REQUEST <feedset> <pattern> <host>[:<port>]
> #
> # where:
> # <feedset> Is the union of feedtypes to request.
> # <pattern> Is an extended regular-expression for the product-
> # identifiers to match.
> # <host> Is the host identifier: either a hostname or IP
> # address in "dotted-quad" format.
> # <port> Is the (optional) port on <host> to which to connect
> # (the square brackets denote an option and should be
> # omitted).
> #
> # If the same feedtype and pattern is requested from multiple hosts, then
> # the host of the first such request will be the initial primary source
> # of data-products (i.e., data-products will be rapidly sent using the
> # HEREIS message) and the other hosts will initially be alternate sources of
> # data-products (i.e., data will be sent using the COMMINGSOON and BLKDATA
> # messages). The primary host will probably change over time -- depending on
> # which host can deliver the data-products most quickly on average.
> #
> #REQUEST WMO ".*" initial-primary-host.some.domain:388
> #REQUEST WMO ".*" initial-secondary-host.another.domain
> #REQUEST WMO ".*" another-secondary-host.yet_another.domain:3152
> #request WMO ".*" lx07.uc.nps.edu
> #june 29 2015
> request WMO ".*" freshair.atmos.washington.edu
> request UNIWISC ".*" freshair.atmos.washington.edu
> request FNEXRAD "png|rad" freshair.atmos.washington.edu
> #
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
OK, this shows that your REQUESTs are minimal; the only satellite
imagery you get is UNIWISC; and the only model output you get is
the old HDS feed. Reminder: WMO is a compound feed type:
> As it turns out, I already had a Unidata account. Now, I need to start paying
> attention
> to mailing lists!
Yes indeed as those are the only way we have for advising users about
changes to datastreams, new software releases, etc.
> Here are version numbers that appear upon the start of GARP:
> === GEMPAK-GARP LINUX version RH-5====
> /h/mrhome1/ldm/ldm/etc
> Resource File: /data/lx11a/ldm/gem574s/resource/Ntop
> graphic, satellite, radar, fax -- 33 95 20 2
> Invoke ... /data/lx11a/ldm/gem574s/bin/linux/garp
> G A R P - v2.1 starting...
> Thanks for any help you can provide on sorting out the funny problem with the
> date! I
> apologize in advance for any seemingly trivial back-and-forth as you ask
> simple
> questions!
I am afraid that we are not going to be able to provide much, if any help on
Garp. As I noted in my previous email, Garp was transferred to community
support some time ago.
My best advice is to send a note to the GEMPAK users list and ask for Garp
As I noted previously, you must be subscribed to any email list that we maintain
before you can post to it.
Final comment:
Given that Garp is no longer supported by us, it would probably be a good
idea if you seriously looked into using GEMPAK directly (Garp builds link
against the GEMPAK library). At some point in the future, it is highly
likely that Garp will stop functioning completely, unless some community
member(s) undertake the effort to make the code changes needed to keep
it viable.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QOK-427508
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.