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[Datastream #UQS-912591]: Questions about upcoming NIMAGE/HDS/NOTHER feed changes
- Subject: [Datastream #UQS-912591]: Questions about upcoming NIMAGE/HDS/NOTHER feed changes
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:06:17 -0600
> I have a couple of questions about the upcoming distribution changes.
> #1) Will the IDD NOTHER and HDS datastreams also be changing when similar
> content is added to the NIMAGE feed?
> #2) It looks to me like we already get restitched GOES-16/17 data from
> these requests:
> # level 1
> REQUEST DIFAX "(ABI|GLM)" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
These are the GRB L1b ABI images, not the L2 ABI images from NOAAPort.
> # level 2
> REQUEST HDS|NOTHER "IXT[A-Z][0-9][0-9]" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
This REQUEST is for the non-ABI L2 products from NOAAPort.
> Am I mistaken that these are not the restitched satellite data?
You are correct, the REQUEST you listed above is for the other L2 products
distributed in NOAAPort. The ABI L2 images are sent as tiles that need to be
restitched together into full scenes. The extended regular expression
pattern for the ABI L2 product tiles from NOAAPort is:
> Or if not,
> then how do these differ from the data that will be available on NIMAGE?
The products being added to the NIMAGE datastream will be:
- full scenes that are created by stitching together the ABI L2 tiles that
are sent in NOAAPort
- other L2 product from NOAAPort that have had their NOAAPort broadcast
header and footer stripped off
- other value added L2 products, the first of which are GLM images/grids
created by Eric Bruning at Texas Tech
All products are in netCDF4 format. The netCDF4 format for the NOAAPort
ABI L2 images is different from the netCDF4 format for the ABI images
from the GRB. The projection for all of the products that will be
added to the NIMAGE feed is the GOES-R mission standard Fixed Grid.
> And also, will these data feeds be going away?
If you are asking about the NOTHER and HDS datastreams, then the answer is no.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UQS-912591
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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