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[Datastream #IUA-546454]: Re: 20190604: major upcoming change to IDD NIMAGE datastream
- Subject: [Datastream #IUA-546454]: Re: 20190604: major upcoming change to IDD NIMAGE datastream
- Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:19:26 -0600
Hi Pete,
> Regarding multiple copies -
> I have absolutely no problem at all sending L1 radiance products through
> reconstituted products on some other feed type in addition to those.
Very good.
> My beef was do we need to send the L2 CMIP data out in both the reconstituted
> format (on
> NIMAGE) and in the original format (on NOTHER). Maybe that wasn't clear in
> the way I said
> it.
I understood your comment. That is why I said:
"I agree that distribution of NOTHER and the L2 products in HDS is redundant."
It seems to me that we need to do things in a methodical, stepwise manner:
- first make the products available directly
- second, encourage sites to start using those instead of doing the work of
together tiles and stripping off NOAAPort headers/footers locally
- third, stop relaying the pieces
> I agree, that given a choice, people would probably prefer the reconstituted
> L2 products
> on NIMAGE to the tiled stuff on NOTHER and HDS.
I sure hope so!
> I'll forward the GEMPAK issues to Michael/Gembud. Thanks!
Thanks! FYI: Michael is on travel at the moment...
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IUA-546454
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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