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[Datastream #JZV-742758]: Missing NIMAGE products
- Subject: [Datastream #JZV-742758]: Missing NIMAGE products
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 12:23:20 -0600
Hi Harry,
> We noticed that many of the GINI products we use from GOES-15 have been
> missing
> from the NIMAGE feed since 1400 UTC. Have you heard of any changes to this
> feed?
The following notice that we received from ESPCOperations this morning perhaps
provides a clue to what may be going on:
From: ESPCOperations <address@hidden>
Subject: Administrative: GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 14
2018 - I
***ssued: May 14 2018 1548Z
From address@hidden Mon May 14 09: 48:56 2018
*Topic: *GOES-15 (GOES-West) Hawaii RSO
*Date/Time**Issued:*May 14, 2018 1 1548Z
*Product(s) or Data Impacted:*GOES-15 (GOES-West) **
*Date/Time of Initial Impact:* May 14, 2018 1629Z J/DAY 134**
*Date/Time of Expected End:*May 15, 2018, 1629Z J/DAY 135
*Requester: *Satellite Analysis Branch/Washington VAAC
*Length of Event:***24 hours
*Details/Specifics of Change: * Monitoring of Kilauea volcano
*Contact Information for Further Information:* ESPC Operations at
address@hidden and 301-817-3880 or Satellite Analysis Branch
Shift Supervisor at _SABSupervisor@noaa.gov_ and 301-683-1400
*Web Site(s) for applicable information: *
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I see that the GOES-West 4 km thermal IR GINI product was not received
between 14 and 18 UTC:
Image file directory listing for:GINIWEST/GW4KIR
Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s)
sensor Lat Lon
--- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------
1 G-15 IMG 13 MAY 18133 11:45:18 39 118 4
93 G-15 IMG 14 MAY 18134 13:30:17 39 118 4
94 G-15 IMG 14 MAY 18134 13:45:18 39 118 4
95 G-15 IMG 14 MAY 18134 14:00:18 39 118 4
96 G-15 IMG 14 MAY 18134 18:00:18 39 118 4
The message above could be interpreted to mean that interruptions should
be expected due to increased monitoring of Kilauea, but that message
did not jump out at me when I read it when it first came in...
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JZV-742758
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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