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[Datastream #TDD-279122]: Brightness temp for GOES-16?
- Subject: [Datastream #TDD-279122]: Brightness temp for GOES-16?
- Date: Mon, 07 May 2018 09:26:10 -0600
Hi Thomas,
re: reference to solar zenith angle and viewing zenith angle products
> I found a reference to it in a couple of places. First, in the cloud
> optical depiction L2 file, there are expected input files:
> algorithm_dynamic_input_data_container:input_ABI_L2_auxiliary_solar_zenith_angle_data
> algorithm_dynamic_input_data_container:input_ABI_L2_auxiliary_sun_satellite_relative_azimuth_angle_data
> Interestingly, both files are set to "null" indicating they are not being
> found.
> Also, there are SZA and VZA products listed on the SPORT website here:
> https://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/sport/ingeststatus/goes16GrbAbi.shtml
> Its possible they are calculated by the SPORT group, but I can't imagine
> the GOES-R people don't generate this product on their own somewhere.
I think that the SPoRT folks are generating these files themselves. Why do
I think this? When I roll over the link:
CONUS Area Solar Zenith Angle
I see a listing that suggests that the product's file name ends in .area.
Since McIDAS AREA format is not used by the NWS for GOES-R/S distribution,
and since the UAH has historically been an active McIDAS user, I am led to
believe that McIDAS is being used at SPoRT to generate the files.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TDD-279122
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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