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[Datastream #TDD-279122]: Brightness temp for GOES-16?
- Subject: [Datastream #TDD-279122]: Brightness temp for GOES-16?
- Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 15:58:28 -0600
Hi Thomas and Gerry,
> Gerry forwarded me this email so that I can hopefully clarify what I am
> looking for.
> Basically, I am looking for files like these:
> http://thredds-test.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/goes16/GOES16/CONUS/Channel08/20180414/catalog.html
OK. These are the Channel 8 images that have been reconstituted into full
by stitching together the tiles that are sent in the NOAAPort SBN.
If you are interested in the imagery that is sent in the GOES ReBroadcast
(GRB), the
link would be:
These images are the ones that are distributed in the IDD SATELLITE (aka DIFAX)
> These are not the raw GRB radiances, but processed files where the
> calibration coefficients
> have been applied to generate brightness temperatures. This does not appear
> to be a level 2
> product, but its also not the level 1b stuff either.
The GRB images do contain radiances, and they are proper (according to
everything we have
seen) L1b files.
> Hopefully, this example will help.
I really think you are looking for the GRB images, not the Sectorized Cloud and
(SCMI) imagery that is sent in the NOAAPort SBN.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TDD-279122
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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