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[IDD #TOO-590365]: G16 Visible brightness tables.
- Subject: [IDD #TOO-590365]: G16 Visible brightness tables.
- Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 13:25:06 -0700
Hi Mike,
Sorry for the slow reply. I've been heads down while finishing my McIDAS
release lately...
> Sort of an odd question, but might be in your wheelhouse, so I thought I
> would ask and if you have some time may be you could enlighten me.
> Dan V. & I are working with some G16 data and noticed that the visible
> brightness data is a good bit different than G13/15.
Yes, absolutely. The biggest thing about the new G16 imagery either
from the GRB or from NOAAPort is that reflectances can exceed 1.0 (albedos
exceed 100%). The corresponding brigtnesses have to be adjusted since
the typical thing that is for the "primary" calibration to be counts to
reflectance (albedo) and then one converts that to brightness.
In addition to having to worry about the VIS channels, one has to be
concerned with the IR channels for those bands (7-10) that have
extended ranges of temperatures that can be sensed.
> Do you know of any good resources to help us code some color tables or
> conversions from the old G13 tables?
The primary reason that I was "heads down" last week was to come to grips
with the new MCSTRETCH environment that SSEC introduced in their McIDAS
v2017.2 release. In this environment, the extended ranges of temperatures
and albedos are "dealt with" in a consistent manner, and images can be
automatically loaded with system/core stretch tables applied. The
results are that in McIDAS one does not need to craft new/modified
enhancement tables for those channels that have extended ranges.
I don't know if this helped at all. If it didn't please let me know!
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TOO-590365
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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