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20170425: ESPC Operations GOES-16 admistrative messages
- Subject: 20170425: ESPC Operations GOES-16 admistrative messages
- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 12:11:10 -0600
Users subscribed to address@hidden:
From this date forward, GOES-16 administrative messages issued by
ESPCOperations <address@hidden> will be automatically forwarded
to this list so that Unidata NOAAPort ingest sites can be informed of
issues related to GOES-16.
One type of administrative message that will be forwarded, notification
of the selection of the Mesoscale-1 sector location and start and end
times, is included below for reference.
If a majority of users subscribed to the Unidata-administered noaaport
email list do not want to receive these messages, automatic forwarding
of the messages will be terminated.
Pleases send any/all comments/suggestions to:
Unidata User Support <address@hidden>
Best regards,
Unidata User Support
Example message:
From address@hidden Tue Apr 25 11:17:13 2017
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 17:16:15 +0000
From: ESPCOperations <address@hidden>
Subject: Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for April 25,
2017 - Issued: April 25, 2017 1720Z
To: _NESDIS OSDPD ESPC OUTAGE Notification <address@hidden>
Topic: *GOES-16 MDS Meso-1 Request
*Date/Time**Issued:***April 25, 2017 1720Z*
*Product(s) or Data Impacted:*GOES-16 Meso-1 Data and Products
*Requested Center Point: *36.0N/95.0W
*Date/Time of Initial Impact:*April 25, 2017****1744Z*
*Date/Time of Expected End:*April 26, 2017**0614Z*
*Requester: *SDM on behalf of RSO request*
*Length of Event:***12.5 hours*
*Details/Specifics of Change: *Severe weather centered on North East
Note: NOAA's GOES-16 satellite has not been declared operational and its
data are preliminary and undergoing testing. Users receiving these data
through any dissemination means (including, but not limited to, PDA and
GRB) assume all risk related to their use of GOES-16 data and NOAA
disclaims and any and all warranties, whether express or implied,
including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose.
*Contact Information for Further Information:* ESPC Operations at
address@hidden and 301-817-3880
*Web Site(s) for applicable information:*
*See http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/GOES/EAST/sched.html and
http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/GOES/WEST/sched.html for scanning
This message was sent by address@hidden. You have been sent
this and other notifications because you have opted in to receive it. If
for any reason, you wish to unsubscribe, please contact ESPC Help Desk
at address@hidden or (301) 817-3880. Please note: it may take
up to two business days to process your unsubscribe request.
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