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[Datastream #ZPD-346214]: Archived Meteosat
- Subject: [Datastream #ZPD-346214]: Archived Meteosat
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 08:51:28 -0600
Hi Charlie,
> I guess I am talking to the wrong help desk.
In the sense that we don't maintain the archive that you are looking for,
yes, but otherwise no.
> But just to clarify, the Meteosat data I am trying to get is listed
> at this link:
> http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter/unidata_openarc_nongoes.html
OK. The SSEC Data Center web page contains the information that you
need to access the METEOSAT-7 imagery you are interested in:
ADDE server name: openarchive.ssec.wisc.edu
ADDE gropu name: OMET07
> Also, I have registered my IP address and have been approved to
> access the data.
Very good, you should be ready to go.
> So if this information is helpful I'd appreciate any further assistance
> you can give me. Many thanks.
Here is what you need to do in McIDAS-V:
- from the man McIDAS-V window click on Tools -> Manage ADDE Datasets
- in the ADDE Data Manager window, click on the Remote Data tab
- at the bottom of the dialog, click the Add New Dataset button
- in the Add Remote Dataset dialog, fill in the Server entry with
the name of openarchive ADDE server:
- fill in the Dataset entry with the ADDE dataset group name:
- leave the Username and Project# entries blank
Access to the datasets on the openarchive server are controlled
by IP address not Username and Project #
- specify the Dataset Types as Image
- click the Add Server button at the bottom of the Add Remote Dataset
After completing the above, you should be able to start accessing
the METEOSAT-7 imagery:
- In the Data Explorer window open the Satellite list and select
- on the right had side, select/specify the Server as:
- the Dataset dialog should get populated with the ADDE dataset
group name that you specified previously (OMET07), but if it
doesn't, then type it in yourself
NB: case matters! The Dataset is OMET07
- click on the Connect button
- choose the Image Type you are interested in
A dialog should pop open that asks you to specify the day you
are interested in. Specify the day of interest and then choose
the time(s) you are interested in.
- click on Add Source
- in the Fields dialog click on the widget to the left of the Band number
and choose how you would like the data distplayed
For example, if the image is infrared the choices should be something
like Raw, Brightness and Temperature
- Choose the type of display you want to create in the Displays area
This is most typically Image Display.
- in the lower right block, you can refine your display selection
by Times, Region and Advanced
Advanced will allow you to specify the resolution of the data
you will display. If you are dealing with large images, you
may opt to display only the region of interest, and the resolution
as the highest available, or you may choose to see the entire
image but at a lower resolution. You will need to play with
these settings to get the display you are interested in.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZPD-346214
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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