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[Datastream #SXB-674928]: GOES East West imagery...
- Subject: [Datastream #SXB-674928]: GOES East West imagery...
- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:43:07 -0700
Hi Gilles,
Mike Schmidt drove the email you sent to his unidata.ucar.edu address
into the Unidata inquiry tracking system.
> Hope 2015 started great for you guys and I wish all the UNIDATA team
> and their loved ones the best for this year.
Mike has passed along the best wishes!
> For some years now, especially during rainy season here, we have been
> using IDV here with the GOES-East/West IR Composite data available at
> adde.ucar.edu.
> With the GEMPAK enhancement it gives a good tool to follow the Mesoscale
> Convective Systems (MCSs) and tropical storms and help local authorities
> to minimize risks locally. It's been very successful.
Very good. It is great to know that the satellite imagery products that
we make available in the IDD UNIWISC datastream are being used productively.
> What we are trying to do now is the following and then below you can
> find my questions:
> We want to do an analysis of specific dates in the last 15 years. We
> already determined these dates from rain gauge data.
> One of the data we would like to use are something similar to the
> GOES-East/West composite .area files to locate the MCSs.
> So I would need to find an archive where are located the GOES East
> and West imagery for the specific time and date and make the composite
> imagery to then load it in IDV (so far only found archive of GOES data
> in jpeg format).
> Any idea where or to who I should ask for these kind of archives?
The images that have been sent in the IDD UNIWISC datastream are archived
in the University of Wisconsin (UW) Space Science and Engineering Center
(SSEC) Data Center. Unidata sites can request that data from the archive
be loaded back on disk so that it can be downloaded by things like 'wget'.
The real-time portion of the archive (about a year of the most recent
imagery) and data that has been extracted from the archive and restaged
to disk can be seen on the Unidata machine housed in the SSEC Data Center:
Unidata-Wisconsin satellite image archives
user: xxxxx
pass: xxxxx
neartime - rolling archive of most recent images sent in the UNIWISC
urequest - directory that contains data extracted from the archive
and put back on disk
The procedure for getting the data is described in:
Unidata HomePage
Data -> Archived Data Access
UNIWISC IDD Datastream
As you will see in the document, you will need to send an email to the
SSEC Data Center <address@hidden> that states the days of data
you would like to have put back in the urequest directory. You will need
to let the Data Center folks know that you are a Unidata university site
and that you have been directed to them by us.
> And once having the imagery, the most efficient way from your experience
> to make it as suitable as your GOES-East/West IR Composite data?
Hmm... We use McIDAS-X to composite the GOES-East and GOES-West images
into the product(s) that you are used to using, so creating composites
from archived data would be very easy if you used McIDAS-X. There is no
in GEMPAK or the IDV for doing this kind of compositing. However, you
can load the GOES-East and GOES-West image of the same approximate time
into the IDV, and the resulting display will approximate what you are
used to in the composite(s) you have been using. The easiest way for
you to see if doing this kind of display in the IDV would be to:
- in an IDV plan view display, first load the GOES-East image for the
time and wavelength channel you are interested in
- then load in the GOES-West image for the same wavelength channel
and approx. time
- use the GEMPAK enhancement to colorize the display
This assumes that you have added the GEMPAK color table plugin to
your IDV session.
If you want the display to be in the same projection as the current
GOES-East/West composite, you will need to first load one of the
composite images while 'autoset projection' is turned on; then turn
off autoset projection; then remove the existing display, and then
do the image loads referred to above.
- since it seems unlikely that you will want to install and learn
how to learn McIDAS-X, it may be possible for us (me, actually)
to create the composites for you
This really depends on how many days and times you want to create
the composites for. If you are only interested in a small number
of events, I would be happy to help you out by creating the composites
from imagery that you have downloaded. If you are interested in
many days and/or many times, this will likely not be possible.
> Thanks for your help,
No worries.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SXB-674928
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed