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[Datastream #API-755327]: Re: Unidata-Wisconsin archive (GOES imagery)
- Subject: [Datastream #API-755327]: Re: Unidata-Wisconsin archive (GOES imagery)
- Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:56:03 -0600
Hi Luis,
> thanks for the note and information on the new access link.
> I see the structure and file names is similar to what it was
> used in the past at unidata2.
unidata2 was turned off over a month ago because it was very expensive
to maintain due to its age (about 12 years old!). The machine that
assumed a variety of the duties performed by unidata2 is a motherlode-class
machine that can hold a lot longer "rolling archive" of the images
sent in the Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feedtype UNIWISC aka MCIDAS) datastream.
The replacement machine is accessible by several names:
For the type of download activities you are asking about, we prefer to
refer to the machine as idd.ssec.wisc.edu.
> If, this is allowed and, I wanted to have a script that is able to
> bring several GOES imagery files for a give day, can I
> use a protocol such as "ftp" to bring the individual datafiles?
We chose to turn off FTP access to the files hosted on idd.ssec.wisc.edu.
Instead, the Unidata-Wisconsin data holdings are accessible through
the web using the same credentials as were needed for FTP access
to unidata2:
Unidata-Wisconsin satellite image archives
user - xxxxx
pass - xxxxx
> For example, bring today's infrared imagery from GOES15.
> In the old days, with unidata2, I was able to use ftp and a script.
> However, now, I am not sure on how to proceed to automate the
> transfer process. Are you able to provide some guidance?
The following page describes access to the Unidata-Wisconsin archives:
Unidata HomePage
Data -> Archived Data Sets
UNIWISC IDD Datastream
Instead of 'ftp' we suggest you use 'wget' as one can include the
access credentials on the 'wget' invocation command line, and 'wget'
downloads are easily scripted just like 'ftp'. Please review the
'man page' for 'wget' (man wget) for details on how to include
login credentials (user name and password).
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: API-755327
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed