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[Datastream #VQU-358838]: IR satellite imagery archive files compatible with GARP/Gempak
- Subject: [Datastream #VQU-358838]: IR satellite imagery archive files compatible with GARP/Gempak
- Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:55:17 -0700
Hi Doug,
> Thank you for your assistance with retrieving GOES satellite data for
> the period 0000 UTC 18 Dec - 0000 UTC 21 Dec 2009.
No worries.
> The ftp session keeps
> timing out before the ftp has successfully completed the file download.
Hmm... Did you try FTPing the contents of each daily directly separately?
The reason I ask is that I just FTPed all of the files in the various
subdirectories of urequest with no problems, but I did all files in each
subdirectory separately:
<on my CentOS 6.5 Linux workstation>
cd /tmp
mkdir 20091218 20091219 20091220 20091221
cd 20091218
ncftp -u xxxxx -p xxxxx unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu
cd urequest/20091218
mget *
lcd ../20091219
cd ../20091219
mget *
lcd ../20091220
cd ../20091220
mget *
lcd ../20091221
cd ../20091221
mget *
cd ..
du -sh 200912*
1.5G 20091218
1.5G 20091219
1.5G 20091220
1.5G 20091221
The other way you could try getting the data is using wget:
cd /tmp
wget --ftp-user=unidata3 --ftp-password=unirec7
ftp://unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu/urequest/200912\* -r
This should result in a local directory hierarchy that looks like:
> Is there a way that I can tell the host machine to extend the session time?
Not that I know of. I believe that this is a setting on the machine providing
the data via FTP.
> Thank you for any ideas you can pass along!
I would suggest breaking your 'get's (mget) into mutually-exclusive subsets
of the full set of files you want to grab.
Please note that I used 'ncftp' instead of 'ftp'. I don't know if this
would help you out, but I decided to throw it in just so you know better the
environment I am working in and that works.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VQU-358838
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed