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- Subject: [LevelII #TJW-252571]: DATA LEVEL II NEXRAD at DENVER
- Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:43:49 -0600
> Dear Sir/Madam:
Hello Daniel,
> For the work I'm developing during my stay at NCAR I will need to have
> access to the data of the NEXRAD radar at Denver in the original format
> Level II.
> I have found that at this address you provide support for acceding to these
> data.
Yes, we provide real time data..and the occasional case study.
> If it's possible I would need to have access to the polar volumes of the
> Flood event of September 2013, from 20130909@174343 to 20130916@055648
We have set aside the Level II data from this event at:
..and the top level directory is:
in case you desire other data or model output.
Note that we also have level III NIDS products for the same time.
We have the data from 09/08/13 -> 09/15/13...not to the 16th. If my memory
serves me correctly the AM of the 16th was dry. Also, be aware that KFTG was
-down- for some periods of this event, using the neighboring sites of KCYS and
KPUX may be useful for those times.
NCDC can fill any gaps you may want filled:
NOTE: Site is down until government opens.
> I would be also extremely grateful if you can help me to solve some
> questions about the format (meaning of some of the variables) or if you can
> tell me if there is a document with the description of the format, and
> specifically the meaning and the units of the different variables.
This document may be helpful:
..we are asking our internal staff that write radar readers if they have some
better documentation, but wanted
you to be able to access the data as soon as possible.
> Many thanks in advance
> Warm regards
> Daniel Sempere
> Prof. Daniel Sempere Torres
> Visiting Scientist at NCAR
> Director of CRAHI
> *****************************************************
> In research stay at RAL-NCAR up to 8 December 2013
> *****************************************************
> address@hidden
> address@hidden
Hope this helps get you started, please let us know if we can help any further,
and we will forward along
any more Level II doc we can gather up.
Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TJW-252571
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Open