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[Datastream #TMK-818342]: Fwd: imager problems with GOES_E?
- Subject: [Datastream #TMK-818342]: Fwd: imager problems with GOES_E?
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:30:34 -0600
Hi Greg,
> All of the images I've looked at today are very noisy.
Just so you know: all of the GOES-East images from goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu
that I have looked at today are good.
> Apparently Greg
> Thompson has been noticing the problem for a number of days (I'm not
> sure exactly how many).
OK. I look at GOES-East/West composites on a daily basis usually
multiple times a day. The process that creates the composites gets
data directly from the ADDE servers on our GOES-East (goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu)
and GOES-West (goeswest.unidata.ucar.edu) ingest machines. The length
of loops I look at are typically 30-40 frames in length, and this
represents 15 to 20 hours of data. If there had been problems with
either the GOES-East or West portions of the composite, I should have
> Our files are scrubbed on a daily basis so I
> can't tell without pulling files from HPSS how long the problem has been
> occuring.
re: which channels are you seeing problems in
> All bands
OK. The loops I look at are almost always 10.7 um (thermal IR).
I would not have noticed a problem with the WV channel, for instance.
re: what system was used to display the image
> Terascan
Ah Ha! Given my view of the ADDE side of the ingest operation, I
would say that the problem is either in the TeraScan unit OR in
the path from the signal splitter (a Tee) to the TeraScan unit. I
have not been over to the FL-2 RAL computer room (yet), so I can't
comment on any problems with the signal path.
re: I'm seeing no problems in long loops of images from the ADDE server
> That's very interesting - so the problem may be caused by resource
> conflicts on the Terascan server rather than a reception issue.
Or in the cable connecting the TeraScan unit to the signal splitter.
re: dishes getting hit by lawn mowing operations causing misalignment
> Yep I remember you talked about that discovery.
Yea, the GOES-West dish got hit pretty hard. When we investigated, we
found that it was pointing _way_ to high to see the bird. It took Mike
and I some time to get it repointed in the right direction. The only good
news is that the signal strength now appears to be at least as good if
not better than it was previously.
re: where to send inquiries
> So let me get this straight - any e-mail I send you directly goes into
> your spam folder???
> I'm going to have to change my return address ;-)
Actually, I think it was the image attachment that tickled something
in my procmail processing. This is the first of your emails that has
gotten sent to my spam folder. I get so little mail put into my spam
folder that I had pretty much stopped checking it on a regular basis.
re: please send email to support
> Will do - thanks.
Thanks! This will make things easier for both of us.
> Thanks!
No worries. Let me know if you want to meet up over in the RAL computer
room to scope out the TeraScan system and signal path. I think I may
go over to see what I can see on my way home this evening.
Other topic: I think I told you previously that GOES South America
(which is currently GOES-12) is scheduled to be decommissioned this Friday,
August 16.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TMK-818342
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed