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[Datastream #DDF-706329]: GOES14 data west of -110?
- Subject: [Datastream #DDF-706329]: GOES14 data west of -110?
- Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 22:00:04 -0600
Hi Neil,
> Our gempak 7.6 nmap2 won't show GOES14 data west of about 110 deg west.
I assume that the images you are referring to are the GOES-East
sectors of the Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feedtype UNIWISC aka MCIDAS)
datastream; true?
> However, SSEC appears to indicate there's more to be had:
> http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/geo/index.php?satellite=goes14&channel=ir4&coverage=fd&file=jpg&imgoranim=img&anim_method=flash
If you are referring to Unidata-Wisconsin imagery, then the sectors in
the datastream are defined by their center locations and size (lines x
When GOES-14 assumed the scanning activities of GOES-13, the sectors
that are created started looking the way that they do now mainly because
of the markedly different viewing angle of GOES-13 (which is locate at 75W
and GOES-14 which is at 105 W).
I had considered changing the manner in which the sectors are created (for
example, by remapping GOES-14 imagery into representative sectors that had been
created by GOES-13), but I decided to not do this this morning when I saw
the admin notice about GOES-14 being drifted eastward to give more GOES-East
like coverage to the Eastern U.S. Because of the drift, the Unidata-Wisconsin
sectors will day-by-day change so that they eventually look like the
GOES-East sectors you have been used to getting (according to today's
announcement, GOES-14 will drift eastwared by 0.9 degrees/day).
> 1. Have I got a broke gempak configuration?
> 2. Anyone else experiencing this?
Yes, everyone ** except those who run ADDE-enabled applications
like the IDV, McIDAS-V or McIDAS-X **. Those users can access
full resolution GOES-14 imagery and get whatever coverage is
available from the satellite. In case you happen to run one
of these applications, the relevant information is:
Server ADDE Group
goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu EAST
> or
> 3. Is SSEC fabricating data to retain funding?
Absolutely not. GOES-14 is doing routine scanning that includes
full disks. Again, if you have any of the three ADDE-enabled
applications above, you can see the coverage being provided by
GOES-14 in real-time.
For reference, here is the admin notice concerning the GOES-14
drift maneuver that was issued this morning and sent to
the McIDAS Users Group email list operated by SSEC:
From: Natalia Donoho <address@hidden>
Subject: Administrative: GOES-14 East Drift Start Maneuver is scheduled for Oct
***ober 1, 2012 Issued: October 1, 2012, 1111 UTC
From address@hidden Mon Oct 1 05: 11:56 2012
Topic: GOES-14 East Drift Start Maneuver is scheduled for October 1, 2012
Date/Time Issued: October 1, 2012 1111 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-14 Imager and Sounder Data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 1, 2012 1545 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: October 1, 2012 1609 UTC (maneuver); Drift will
continue eastward at 0.90 degrees per day
Length of Outage: See table in detail.
Details/Specifics of Change: In order to support users with better data
during the ongoing GOES-13 anomaly recovery, a GOES-14 East Drift Start
Maneuver will be performed today, Monday, October 1, 2012, at 1545 UTC.
GOES-14 is currently positioned at 105 degrees west, and upon the
maneuver, the eastward longitudinal drift will be initiated. GOES-14 will
drift 0.90 degrees per day to the East towards the location of GOES-13 at
75 degrees West.
Final location of GOES-14 is dependent upon the ongoing recovery of
GOES-13. During this transition, direct readout users can continue to
receive GOES-14 data via the GOES-13 GVAR broadcast stream from 75 degrees
West, and will not have to repoint their antennas to GOES-14. GOES-13
imager and sounder remain out of service at this time.
Location of frame boundaries of the satellite scanning sectors will be
adjusted every Wednesday at the 1900 UTC housekeeping period. This will
cause a one time shift in the image and sounding frames each Wednesday.
GINI and Remapper output will be monitored to ensure optimal coverage of
the CONUS for users of AWIPS and of the SATEPSDIST servers within ESPC.
Image Navigation and Registration (INR) is expected to remain within
specification during this drift period. For NWS operations, during this
time period, RSO (Rapid Scan Operations) will be available. No SRSO (Super
Rapid Scan Operations) will be available.
On October 1, 2012 the following schedule will be employed to support
maneuver operations:
GOES-14 East Drift Start Maneuver Schedule begins at 1545 UTC on October 1,
From 1545 UTC through 1606 UTC -- GOES-14 No Scan Operations
There will be no GOES-15 (GOES-West) Full Disk (30 minute) Imaging.
There will be no recovery schedule for this maneuver.
1609 UTC -- GOES-14 Routine Scan Operations Resume.
Please note: Since post-maneuver attitude performance is expected to be
nominal, a special recovery schedule is not required, and the 6-hour INR
(Image Navigation Registration) recovery period will be supported by
Routine schedule.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at
address@hidden at 301-817-3880. For general questions, please
contact SPSD User Services at address@hidden.
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/messages.html for this and other
satellite related messages.
See http://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/GOES/schedules.html for full GOES
scanning schedules and scan sectors.
See http://www.noaasis.noaa.gov/cemscs/gostbus.txt for geodetic subpoint
prediction and location of GOES-14 (WMO header TBUS09 KWBC)
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DDF-706329
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed