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[Datastream #XYT-100234]: adde.ucar.edu changes?
- Subject: [Datastream #XYT-100234]: adde.ucar.edu changes?
- Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 14:56:27 -0700
Hi Jim,
> I wasn't sure where to send this report, but I use IDV to access
> satellite data off of adde.ucar.edu.
> On that server, if I specify the GINIWEST dataset, connect, and ask
> for the GINI 8 km WV West CONUS, the data is not updating and hasn't
> since Dec 6.
The change of GOES-West from GOES-11 to GOES-15 on Dec 6 caused a couple
of changes to the NOAAPort GINI products:
- the wavelength for the VIS channel is now 0.62 um; this will likely
not affect most users
- the resolution of the WV (6.5 um) channel is now 4 km; it was 8 km
- the longwave IR channel is now in the CO2 band, 13.3 um; it was 12.0
These second and third of these changes required changes to ADDE
- for the WV channel, the realtime dataset is now GW4KWV; it was GW8KWV
- for the longwave channel, the realtime dataset is now GW8KCO2; it was GW8K12
The other impact on existing IDV bundles that use the GOES-West (GINIWEST)
IR images is that the sector is now larger:
GW8KWV - 640 x 550
GW4KWV - 1280 x 1100
> Please let me know if this product name is no longer being supported.
Since adde.ucar.edu has 45 days of data for each of the NOAAPort-delivered
image sectors, GINIWEST/GW8KWV is still viable, but it is only for images
on Dec 6 and before. One should switch to use of GINIWEST/GW4KWV for
GOES-West images on or after Dec 6.
Sorry for not announcing this to the community (Don was pressuring me to, but
too many other things came up that it slipped through the cracks).
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XYT-100234
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed