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[Datastream #GLJ-876994]: GOES Imager data - questions
- Subject: [Datastream #GLJ-876994]: GOES Imager data - questions
- Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 13:37:55 -0700
Hi Jan,
> I would like to ask a few questions about GOES Imager data you are
> offering. I am already working with GOES data downloaded from NOAA CLASS
> archive in raw format.
> But, actually I have found one article where your data had been used
> for similar applications as we are doing. Thus, I would like to know:
> What king of preprocessing are you using?
I see from below that you are likely referring to the images created
for the Unidata-Wisconsin IDD datastream. If that is correct, then
all we do is sample the VIS images down to 4 km resolution in both
the line (vertical) and element (horizontal) dimensions (sample, not
average), and sample the IR images to 4 km resolution in the
horizontal (they are already 4 km resolution in the vertical/line
> I see that you are converting raw formats into McIDAS AREA format,
> and down sampling vis channel resolution to 4x4km pixels. In raw
> data there are geometrical distortions in GOES EAST in upper-left and
> lower-right corners when comparing to nominal stereographic view from
> the satellites.
Stereographic views of the images will appear to minimize parallax
distortion, but you have to remember that the data in those projections
will be different from what is seen by the satellite.
> Do you perform also some geometrical navigation of the
> images to exactly overlap each place in the image? And what about full
> disk geographical extend, and south hemisphere?
I am uncertain of what you are asking. The images sent in the Unidata-Wisconsin
IDD datastream are in the same, unaltered projection as the raw images
ingested from the satellite.
> I also see you are getting data from Wisconsin University.
Yes, from the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) of the University
of Wisconsin at Madison. They are providing the imagery free-of-charge for
the university community.
> I have
> contacted several times Wisconsin, but they offered us rather high price
> for the data.
Their charges for data go to support of their data ingest efforts. This
includes machinery, power, people, etc.
> What are costs of data from you, if we would like to get
> yours data?
We do not sell our data.
> Do you offer also real time data services?
We do have real-time ingest for GOES platforms (East, West, and South
America), but that is provide for university/educational use.
> Thank you very much if you will let me know.
No worries.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GLJ-876994
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed