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[Datastream #OCU-118527]: Re: 20110304: assistance
- Subject: [Datastream #OCU-118527]: Re: 20110304: assistance
- Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 15:20:27 -0600
Hi Martin,
Sorry for the slow reply! I was in Vienna the week before last up until
this past Sunday night, and then we had a governing committee meeting
the first part of the week. I have been playing catch-up ever since...
> need some help, do you know how to convert the 'raw' MSG (meteosat 8 or 9)
> images to .area format (such as distributed in an adde server)?
The only way I know about is to run McIDAS-X itself. In this setup, one
would create an ADDE dataset from the "raw" MSG data and then copy
it (IMGCOPY) to a local dataset of AREA file format images. The problem
with this approach for you is that we (Unidata Program Center) are not
licensed to distribute McIDAS to non-educational institutions. In order
to use McIDAS, you would need to join the McIDAS Users Group (MUG)
at U Wisconsin/SSEC, and pay their fee for belonging to the MUG. In
case you are interested in learning more about this path, here is
some relevant information:
MUG <address@hidden
McIDAS http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas
The McIDAS website has a link that shows how much it costs to participate
in the MUG.
> I know Eumetsat has a server for this but its like for internal use only
> (tried) and I also tried asking them for the conversion code without
> success (they have an 'archive' of older msg adde format data but I
> need the most recent) so if you know if there is some conversion code
> for this somewhere, or whom to contact further?
Again, the only code that I know about is the ADDE server code in McIDAS-X.
This is, in fact, what EUMETSAT uses for its ADDE server, adde.eumetsat.int.
Unfortunately, access to that server is restricted. If you were only
interested in the synoptic time imagery (i.e., the imagery available
at the 0, 6, 12, and 18 UTC times), then it is available on an open
ADDE server run by NOAA.
> the input 'raw' data is
> same as what I think is distributed with NOAAPORT in the US
I don't think so. The satellite imagery distributed in NOAAPort
are in GINI format. The "raw" MSG data available through EUMETCAST
is in HRIT format (or something else).
> and secondly I remember reading somewhere that there was possibly WRF
> forecasts done with global coverage, but I can't seem to find the text
> again or who wrote it, do you know where to find such forecasts? (most
> interested in scandinavian area of course)
I am not aware of global WRF coverage, but I wouldn't doubt that it exists
- why are global WRF forecasts desired over some other model?
I ask because NOAA makes global model data from the GFS available for
free via NOAAPort and on FTP servers. The highest resolution for
global GFS is currently 0.5 degree. While this may not be what you
are looking for, it is a fantastic, free dataset. I know, because
I use it routinely in activities related to the UCAR Africa Initiative
which is working in the Sahel region of Africa.
> Many thanks,
No worries. Again, I apologize for taking _so_ long to get back to you!
> ps. let me know if you want me to send to some mailinglist or other email
> address
It is much better to send questions directly to our inquiry tracking
system. Sending messages to individuals (like me) runs the risk that
the individual is not reading his/her email while being out of the
office (e.g., on work travel or on vacation, etc.).
Some relevant email addresses and the topics that they are pertinent
to are:
address@hidden - questions related to the data delivered
in our Internet Data Distribution system
address@hidden - questions related to the downloading, building
and installing of the LDM software
address@hidden - questions related to our Integrated Data Viewer
A complete list of topic-specific email addresses known to our inquiry
tracking system can be found in:
Unidata HomePage
Submit a request for support to the Unidata developers
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OCU-118527
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed