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[Datastream #UZP-669226]: Re: [ldm-users] 20101105: FNEXRAD GRIB2 product -- high res gridded radar composite
- Subject: [Datastream #UZP-669226]: Re: [ldm-users] 20101105: FNEXRAD GRIB2 product -- high res gridded radar composite
- Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 10:51:46 -0600
Hi Gerry,
re: NEXRAD Level III products in the IDD FNEXRAD feed
> Send me the pqact instance and I'll cover that here, too...
I _wish_ that it was as easy as setting up an action in an LDM
pqact.conf file! The reality is that the process that Chiz setup
to create the composites requires a fully-working installation of
GEMPAK AND a particular instance of our internal gribinsert package.
The creation of the GRIB2 format of the 1 km N0R composites broke
when chiz was removed as a user on motherlode.ucar.edu. I eventually
traced the problem to his putting a reference to '~chiz/gribinsert/...'
in one of the C Shell scripts that run as part of the compositing
process. A quick change from '~chiz' to '/home/chiz' returned the
script to functionality.
I greatly appreciate you offer, but I can not take you up on it
at the moment. I will want to revisit this in the not too distant
future, however.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UZP-669226
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed