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[Datastream #ZYW-866846]: Re: Unidata archive data request
- Subject: [Datastream #ZYW-866846]: Re: Unidata archive data request
- Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 11:10:50 -0600
> Hello,
> Thanks and sorry to be a nudge, just wasn't sure if I was
> emailing the right address. So, I now have access to the
> data. However, I'm not exactly sure how to handle it...I
> would like to bring the .goes11vis files into matlab in a
> geo-referenced manner. I don't know the file format of
> the files or how to manipulate them? From reading around
> it looks like I need to install McIDAS and format the
> files as ADDE?? Is that right? Or is there an easier way
> to bring them straigt into a matlab environment? Or maybe
> I should be getting the files/satellite data from another
> place?
> THanks again
> John Hurley
Hi John,
SSEC generally provides the sat imagery as AREA files, they also provide GINI,
and GVAR, so I do not know what you downloaded and are deealing with :)
It is my understanding that MATLAB supports AREA files, and I ~believe GINI and
GVAR as well.
Perhaps you can find out from SSEC which files you downloaded, altho I suspect
they are AREA files unless you specifically requested another format. I see
SSEC is still cc'd on these messages, perhaps they will chime in...and maybe
they have manipulated AREA files in MATLAB, I see someone at SSEC is doing it:
Hope this helps,
Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZYW-866846
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Open