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Upcoming changes to NMQ data


This email is to announce upcoming changes to the NMQ data stream.  If you use only the NMQ QVS, please disregard.  If you use data formats from NMQ other than our binary or NetCDF formats, also please disregard.

For LDM and HTTP users of NMQ binary and NetCDF data...

On Sept. 15th and 16th the following changes will be made to the NMQ data stream:

Change to binary file naming convention
NMQ currently uses [product name].YYYYMMDD.HHmm.gz for its binary file naming convention.  This convention will change to  [product name].YYYYMMDD.HHmmSS.gz to include seconds
  e.g., CREF.20090901.1235.gz  =>  CREF.20090901.123500.gz

Change to NetCDF file naming convention
The same file naming convention change will be applied to NMQ NetCDF files
  e.g.,  20090901-1235.netcdf.gz  => 20090901-123500.netcdf.gz
Both the NMQ 3D and MultiVariable NetCDF formats will have this change. 

Change to NetCDF internal variables names
In order to comply with the latest NetCDF version, it is necessary to rename some of the variables used inside NMQ NetCDF files.  This change affects only Q2 products.  Below is a listing of old variables and their new names...

Q2 Radar-Only variable names
[accum]h_rad_hsr -> rad_hsr_[accum]h

Q2 Gauge-Corrected variable names
[accum]h_gc_hsr -> rad_gc_[accum]h
[accum]h_gauge -> gauge_[accum]h

where [accum] = 1,3,6,12,24,48,72

All of the above mentioned changes will occur over a 2-day period.  Changes will start as early as 1400 UTC on each day and end as soon as possible.  Below is a schedule for what products will be updated on each day.  This applies to both binary and NetCDF file changes.

Sept 15th, 2009
- RUC *
- IR Satellite *
- 3D Mosaic (both 3D reflectivity and 2D derived fields)
- Q2 Radar-only

Sept 16th, 2009
- Q2 Gauge-correction
- UnQC'd Composite Reflectivity
- Hybrid Scan Blockage
- Radar Coverage
- Stage IV *
- Hydro Estimator *

( * projected onto NMQ grid )

If you have a questions or concerns please send email to address@hidden.


Carrie Langston
National Weather Center             Tel: 405-325-6473
120 David L. Boren Blvd
Norman, OK 73072