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[Datastream #RHY-237530]: Satellite data available through Unidata?
- Subject: [Datastream #RHY-237530]: Satellite data available through Unidata?
- Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:48:16 -0600
Hi David,
> As a spin-off of the Air France 447 crash, we (RAL) are considering
> running some of our satellite-based convective identification and
> tracking algorithms on a routine basis over the Atlantic ITCZ.
This sounds very interesting!
> Does UNIDATA have routine GOES-10 data available?
The dish located between FL-1 and FL-2 has been ingesting GOES-10
data for a little over two years now. It has been tracking GOES-10
in its inclined orbit since early August, 2008.
> As you know, we have
> our own GOES EAST & WEST receiving systems, but GOES-10 (with it's
> current stationing at 60 degrees west) or METEOSAT would give us a much
> better picture of the equatorial Atlantic than GOES-EAST.
Our GOES ingest systems (we tap off of the signal from the GOES-East
and GOES-West mesh dishes at the front of FL-2) all provide remote
access to realtime imagery (no archive images) via McIDAS ADDE. The
GOES-10 system has been serving on the order of 1 TB of imagery
for about 7 months, and a number of the users are located in South
> For that
> matter, do you have access to METEOSAT data (but I suspect not)?
Yes, we do have access to realtime Meteosat 9 data through an ADDE
server that is operated by NOAA.
> I assume that any satellite data you would have would be in McIdas
> format, right?.
The data on the server is in a raw ingest format. The ADDE server
running on the same machine knows how to read the raw data and then
serve the images back as McIDAS AREAs. The easiest way to get the
data is using an ADDE-enabled application like McIDAS or the IDV.
EOL used McIDAS scripts to create local images in AREA format for
support of a field project this past fall and early winter. I am
sure that they would be happy to share their script(s) with anyone
would could make use of them.
> Thanks,
No worries.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RHY-237530
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed