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[McIDAS #THL-755008]: WSI NOWRAD data
- Subject: [McIDAS #THL-755008]: WSI NOWRAD data
- Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 13:20:28 -0600
Hi Raf,
> I am a researcher at MIT investigating different data assimilation methods for
> precipitation. One of the data products I am interested in is WSI NOWRAD
> (2km Master Sector, June - August, 2004). Recently while browsing Unidata
> website
> I found that McIDAS-X contains ADDE servers for WSI formatted NIDS, and
Yes, I created the ADDE servers for the NIDS (Level III products) and NOWRAD
composites) several years ago. The server for the NIDS data is now a standard
part of McIDAS; the server for NOWRAD composites is only available in the
McIDAS-X release.
> I have a few questions about these servers.
> Are the NOWRAD data available for free
No. One must arrange with WSI for a feed of their composites.
> or what is the way of ordering these data?
I am not sure who the appropriate contact at WSI is anymore for this. We create
our own composite of the Nexrad Level III products and make them available
for the Unidata community via the IDD, so our interest in the WSI products is
not nearly what it used to be.
> I am asking since I noticed that NOWRAD is not mentioned on the list of
> Publically
> Accessible McIDAS ADDE servers.
Exactly. The data are not available.
> I already contacted WSI but they said that, WSI is not set up as an
> institution to
> collect/save/resell archives. It's not their business model.
I was not aware of this. I assume that they only provide the data in
> So who is actually responsible for archiving the NOWRAD data?
There may be archives somewhere in UCAR/NCAR. I know folks at RAL paid for the
WSI NOWRAD composites a few years ago, so they may have an archive.
> I would appreciate if you could answer these questions or tell me whom I could
> contact to tell me how to obtain the NOWRAD data.
For realtime NOWRAD data, you must talk to WSI. For archive data, it may be
to send an inquiry to Unidata community members who do some archiving
The best way to do this is to:
- subscribe to the address@hidden email list:
- post an inquiry to the needdata list AFTER you receive confirmation that you
have been successfully subscribed to the list (otherwise it will bounce)
> Thanks a lot!
No worries. I figure that someone out there might have an archive of the
WSI NOWRAD data that they would be willing to share.
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(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: THL-755008
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed