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[LDM #UIR-831374]: Redunancy in the redundancy department...FSL2 feed?
- Subject: [LDM #UIR-831374]: Redunancy in the redundancy department...FSL2 feed?
- Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 00:30:22 -0700
Hi Gilbert,
First, note that I moved this inquiry to support-datastream since it is not an
LDM-specific question. support-datastream is a better department (topic area)
for data-related questions.
> Question...the FSL2 feed carries the latest data from all the wind
> profiler sites in the U.S...5 minute and hourly data.
Unless things have changed, the data reporting intervals are hourly and every
six minutes.
> Doesn't NOAAport do the same thing, with no delay now?
The NOAAPort distribution of the wind profiler data was never considered
so its broadcast schedule was not guaranteed to be be timely. I do not know if
this situation has changed, but if it has, I would have expected that the GSD
who inject the data into the IDD would have contacted us to cease distributing
from their shop.
> If this is correct, is the FSL2 feed redundant?
If this is correct, then a portion of the FSL2 feed would be redundant. As
far as I know, the RASS data that is also included in the FSL2 feed is not being
generally made available in NOAAPort. Then again, I have not been pursuing
this issue, so I really can not be 100% sure. Also, the format of the profiler
data in NOAAPort (BUFR) was always different from what it is in the FSL2
datastream (netCDF).
If the profiler data is now operational, then it should be delivered in a
timely manner as you surmise above. We would then have update our
profiler decoders to make sure that they can handle the format of the data.
It appears that GEMPAK is ready to go (see below); the ldm-mcidas decoder,
proftomd is a netCDF-only decoder.
I just checked the GEMPAK pqact action that decodes the profiler data that is
included in the HDS datasetream:
# Old profiler hourly summaries in BUFR format
PIPE decoders/dcprof -v 4 -d data/gempak/logs/dcprof.log
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
-s profiler_fsl.stn
tableb tabled data/gempak/profiler_bufr/YYYYMMDD_pro.gem
The comment says that the data is only hourly summaries. A review of the GEMPAK
decoder log files (dcprof.log) shows that these products are, in fact,
received once per hour at about half past the hour. If the 6-minute data is
being broadcast in NOAAPort, I do not know what header it has.
- have you read something that indicates that both the hourly summary and
profiler data data are now being sent operationally
- if the answer to the above is yes, do you know what the headers for the
products look like
> Just curious.
What prompted your question?
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UIR-831374
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed