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[LDM #AQC-366279]: ldmd.conf
- Subject: [LDM #AQC-366279]: ldmd.conf
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15:43:17 -0600
Hi Niles,
> Is there somewhere I can look for some help setting up
> the request entries in ldmd.conf to be as specific as
> possible?
Not really. I say this because tailoring one's ldmd.conf request lines
will be very specific to each site.
> Some of them are fairly easy - ingesting noaaport
> nexrad for the radars YUX|IWA|FSX|EPZ is almost self-documenting :
> request NNEXRAD "YUX|IWA|FSX|EPZ" upstreamHost
> But I'm finding some them a bit baffling.
> It could be because
> I'm using the WMO feedset which I think is now depricated?
WMO is not deprecated. It is, however, a compound feedtype:
> What we're trying to do is to move the complexity from
> our pqact.conf file to our ldmd.conf file. The ldmd.conf used
> to request everything and then the pqact.conf would sort out
> what we really wanted.
It sounds like you have the information you need in the patterns in
your existing pqact.conf actions.
The easiest way to work toward where you want to be is making use of
the LDM 'notifyme' utility. The '-p' option to 'notifyme' is used
to specify the regular expression pattern for the data you want to
ingest. You should be able to clip out the pattern(s) you have
in your current pqact.conf file(s) and use them in a 'notifyme' invocation
to test a pattern for possible use in an ldmd.conf 'request' line:
notifyme -vxl- -f <whatever feed> -h <upstream host> -p '<pattern you want to
I use 'notifyme' to find the most targeted pattern that gives me the set of
data that I want to ingest.
If you are not sure of what you will need (even though your pqact.conf actions
list what you are currently using), you will need to look through all of the
data in a particular feed to get an idea of what is available:
notifyme -vxl- -f <whatever feed> -h <upstream host>
You may also want to include the '-o' flag on your 'notifyme' invocations. This
sets how far back in time you want to make your request. For instance:
notifyme -vxl- -f <whatever feed> -h <upstream host> -o 3600
says to ask <upstream host> to list all products from the <whatever feed> feed
for the past 3600 seconds.
If you have specific questions about something you need to do, please let us
> So if I have a pqact entry like :
> #
> # METAR reports for sql database.
> #
> WMO ^S[AP][ACHMNPUX][AEKMNSUWX].. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]) FILE
> data/ldm/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2.METAR
Since this action is for METAR data, you can change the feed from WMO to
> or :
> #
> # ETA model on Lambert conformal CONUS grid. Displayed in JViz.
> #
> WMO ^Y.RA.. KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]) FILE
> /raid/eta/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\200_mesoEta_212_00.grib
Since this action is for model output, you can change the feed from WMO to
> Then I'm wondering what ldmd.conf request I should be making.
If these were the only products you were interested in (not likely), you could
have two request lines:
request IDS|DDPLUS "^S[AP][ACHMNPUX][AEKMNSUWX].. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]"
request HDS "^Y.RA.. KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])" upstreamhost
I must say, however, that it might simply be easier to request all of
and leave the selection to your pqact.conf actions.
> (I'm also thinking that I should be using NGRID rather than WMO
> for the model stuff).
OK. The difference would be using the higher resolution GRIB2 data in NGRID
versus the
mostly lower resolution GRIB1 data from HDS.
> Is there a web site that could help me with ldmd.conf request entries?
There are the generic instructions included in the LDM web pages, of course.
what may be lots more helpful to you are the various patterns/actions that are
with GEMPAK. These patterns/actions change as the datastreams evolve and are
in every GEMPAK release. The GEMPAK page:
Site Configuration for Products
has the information on how to generate the pattern/action files that I refer to
> I'm not sure what pattern matching
> I should be using for either of the above ....
The pqact.conf patterns are the specific ones you would need for the very
case where that is all you are interested in. Since the IDS|DDPLUS datafeed is
so small (less than or equal to approx. 20 MB/hour), I would recommend that you
not worry about trying to subset it. The GEMPAK pqact.conf actions are very
guides for processing data in the HDS, NGRID, and CONDUIT datastreams.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AQC-366279
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed