HI Tim, re: > We've been a bit busy over here, and I'm just getting around to noticing > the inability to access wsihcsn for Nowrad data. Am I requesting from > the wrong machine? (One of the things that happened recently was the > deletion of our LDM home directory, which for some reason was not being > backed up - so I had to get config files from old LDM distributions) Here is the situation: The Nowrad data is not currently being ingested. The reason is that we tried to update the _very_ old OS installation on the machine running the WSI code so as to be able to install needed security patches. We have been unsuccessful in this upgrade, and the WSI driver does not work under newer versions of SunOS. There has been quite a bit of information exchanged among the groups that were using the WSI data (of which Unidata is _not_ one) about what to do next. I am attaching the latest exchange that I was CCed on to give you a flavor of the current state of affairs/thinking. > I did look through the support and e-mail pages on your web site, but > didn't notice anything other than a couple users noting the same > problems - didn't see a resolution though. There is none yet. > Should I be requesting from a different machine, or did we not pay our > WSI bill? Since the data is not currently being received, there is no other machine to request the data from. As for if we paid our WSI bill, we (Unidata) are not involved in this side of things, so I wouldn't know directly (but I am sure that the bill was paid) :-) Cheers, Tom **************************************************************************** Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program (303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000 address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu **************************************************************************** Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: WJH-378822 Department: Support Datastream Priority: Normal Status: Closed
Description: Binary data