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A Critical Weather Day has been declared...

To: All             Friday December 29, 2006

The NCEP SDM in coordination with Central and Southern Region Headquarters has hoisted a CWD from now until 0000 UTC 3 January 2007; the reasons three-fold: 1. Major impact from heavy snow and blizzard conditions from the Front Range of CO and southward including the Denver area and onto the adjacent high plains now into Saturday; 2. Likelihood of potentially heavy rainfalls and severe weather on the warm side of this same complex storm system from the western Gulf coast region to the mid Mississippi Valley Saturday into Sunday;
3.  State funeral ceremonies for former President Gerald Ford.

Also, users can get an updated CWD status on the NCEP WEB page:

Bill Kneas/Jeff Stoudt - SDMs

fn:Senior Duty Meteorologist
n:;Senior Duty Meteorologist
org:NCEP Central Operations;Production Management Branch
adr:;;5200 Auth Road;Camp Springs ;MD;20746;USA
title:Senior Duty Meteorologist