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20050818: RASS Data request for UseComm
- Subject: 20050818: RASS Data request for UseComm
- Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 19:52:06 -0600
>From: "Mark J. Laufersweiler" <address@hidden>
>Organization: OU
>Keywords: 200506142227.j5EMRCZu019161 IDD FSL2 RASS
Hi Mark,
>The faculty for whom I am making the request here like the realtime
>delivery and make use the data in the native netcdf formats. The
>faculty are signal processing folk (Drs. Palmer and Chilson) and so
>I am not fully up to speed on how they use the data. I can check
>about their group scripting a ftp harvest of the data.
>But it seems to me that since the winds were already going out over
>the IDD, could not the RASS be sent out as well since the data would
>still be of one data feed type (FSL2)? It would make for a more
>complete data feed since most of the profilers have RASS associated
>with sites.
Hourly summary and 6-minute RASS data are now available in the FSL2
datastream from idd.unidata.ucar.edu.
Here are example product headers that will help you setup the
appropriate ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf FSL2 request and ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf
processing lines:
Hourly summary:
The pattern matches that for the regular wind profiler data with the
exception of 'RASS' instead of 'windprofiler' in the product metadata.
>Not knowing how data is injected into the IDD, I am not sure how
>easy/hard this would be. Nor do I know what the impact on the
>IDD/LDM would be by adding to the product queue a number of small
>(~8 KB ) files. as such, I may be off base by expecting this to be a
>trival matter.
Support for the RASS data will be added to GEMPAK and McIDAS (through an
ldm-mcidas decoder) in September.
Sorry this took so long to get going!
>From address@hidden Fri Aug 19 18:49:05 2005
Thanks Tom. I will pass the word on to the faculty.