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20040426: ECMWF data on your website (cont.)
- Subject: 20040426: ECMWF data on your website (cont.)
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 13:05:26 -0600
>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200404261746.i3QHkuCT022353
re: physical plant monies for your web site?
>No direct money. I do that as part of my job. But it's technically not in
>my job description.
If you provided the web pages as part of your job, it implies that you
are being funded to create the web pages, and so this could be
considered as a commercial activity. If this is a commercial activity,
you need to abide by WMO Resolution 40 restrictions:
WMO Resolution 40 Cover Letter
Annex 3 to Resolution 40
The Guidelines section of Annex 3 to Resolution 40 apply:
" Guidelines
These guidelines apply to the commercial sector engaged in
meteorological activities, which includes government organizations
engaged in commercial meteorological activities.
In order to enhance the relationship between the two sectors:
1. In the common interest, the commercial sector is urged to respect
the international data exchange principles of the WWW and other WMO
2. The commercial sector is urged to recognize and acknowledge the
essential contribution of NMSs and of WMO to the activities of the
commercial sector. NMSs and the commercial sector are urged to
recognize the interdependence and mutual benefit possible from
cooperative interaction;
3. In the case where the NMS of a country, particularly of a
developing country, were to consider itself affected by the
commercial sector's commercial use of data originated in its own
country, all parties involved shall undertake negotiations to
achieve appropriate and satisfactory agreements;
4. Unless authorized to do so by the relevant Member, commercial
sector providers of meteorological services should not publicly
issue warnings and forecasts relevant to the safety of life and
property in the country or maritime area where they operate.
Warnings and forecasts relevant to the safety of life and property
publicly issued by the commercial sector should be consistent with
those originated by NMSs or by other official originators in the
course of the performance of their public service responsibilities;
5. In providing services, the commercial sector should be encouraged
to employ meteorological terminology consistent with established
national and international practice;
6. Commercial sector providers of meteorological services should
respect the sovereignty and rules and regulations of the countries
in which they deliver services;
7. NMSs are encouraged to discuss with their countries'
meteorological community and professional societies the issues
associated with the international activities of the commercial
8. NMSs are encouraged to collaborate with their countries'
commercial sector and their professional societies to maximize the
use of meteorological information within their country. "
In particular, section 3. may apply to your situation.
My read of WMO Resolution 40 tells me that the restriction of data
re-export is not necessarily limited to the original raw data. In
fact, "products" are explicitly mentioned.
A statement that pertains to your use of ECMWF model data is:
Annex 4 to Resolution 40
"For commercial purposes
For recompense beyond the incremental cost of reproduction and delivery."
To me this means that if any part of your salary, or if the cost of
maintaining your web site is borne by your employer, you may be in
violation of WMO Resolution 40 restrictions on data re-export.
re: does ECMWF place additional restrictions on data redistribution
>They do.
Can you provide us the URL for the ECMWF redistribution restrictions?
>I cannot residtribute anything but Day 3-6 850 temps and surface
>pressure in raw GRIB format, and here is where I am not sure...
>"value-added" plotted data.
We need to read the document before commenting on it. Please send
along the pertinent URL(s).
>I had always assumed that it was banned from
>the 'net in real-time. That website was just for a few friends, and not
>linked to anything.
A web site whose access is not restricted is public by nature. As I
pointed out in our phone conversation last Friday afternoon, search
engine robots/spiders crawl web sites and then make the existence of
pages generally known. In fact, I used Google (tm) to find your
'The European Forecast Model Contouring Machine' page -- it was the top
link when using the search keys 'ecmwf niu'.
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