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20040407: ADDE access to stratus on port 112
- Subject: 20040407: ADDE access to stratus on port 112
- Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 13:23:30 -0600
>From: Unidata User Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center/UCAR
>Keywords: McIDAS ADDE gzip
Hi Hsie,
McIDAS is moving to sole use of port 112 for ADDE transfers. I just
got a notice from SSEC that the v2004 version of McIDAS would only
support transfers on port 112, so I though I had better check access
on all of the sites running Cooperating Community Servers.
stratus.al.noaa.gov is apparently not setup to allow ADDE access through
port 112. This could be a result of:
- it not running the v2003 version of McIDAS
- the v2003 version of the inet setup program, mcinet2003.sh, not
having been run
- port 112 is blocked by a firewall
- something else that I havn't anticipated
Could you check to make sure that stratus is running the v2003 version
of Unidata McIDAS?
If it is, can you next check to see if it (and all other machines at
CIRES) has been setup to support ADDE access on port 112? The quickest
way to see if it has been setup is:
* on systems running inetd:
/etc/inetd.conf will have the following three lines:
mcidas stream tcp nowait mcadde /home/mcidas/bin/mcservsh
mcservsh -H /home/mcidas
mcserv stream tcp nowait mcadde /home/mcidas/bin/mcservsh
mcservsh -H /home/mcidas
mccompress stream tcp nowait mcadde /home/mcidas/bin/mcservsh
mcservsh -H /home/mcidas
* on systems running xinetd:
/etc/xinetd.d will have the following three files:
mcidas <- for port 112
mcserv <- for port 500
mccompress <- for port 503
For systems running either inetd or xinetd:
/etc/services will have the following lines:
mcidas 112/tcp # McIDAS ADDE gzip port
mcserv 500/tcp # McIDAS ADDE port
mccompress 503/tcp # McIDAS ADDE compression port
I suspect that stratus, rainbow, etc. have never been setup to allow
access on port 112. I further suspect that the Solaris distributions
of McIDAS need to have an additional installation step performed
as 'mcidas':
cd ~/mcidas2003/src
make install.gzip <- may need 'make install.gzip VENDOR=-g77'
depending on how McIDAS was built
By the way, I tried logging onto rainbow as 'ldm', and I was denied
access. Presumably the passwords have been changed in response to the
recent break-ins and spam attacks.
Thanks for the help!