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20040115: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream content changes
- Subject: 20040115: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream content changes
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 10:12:26 -0700
>From: ASP webmaster <address@hidden>
>Organization: Ohio State
>Keywords: 200401151313.i0FDDJp2017811 Unidata-Wisconsin imagery
>I sent the email below a few days back. Hadn't heard anything so
>thought I'd resend. Sorry if it's redundent.
Most of the Unidata staff are here at the AMS Conference in Seattle,
so responding to emails has been spotty at best.
>I'm emailing in regards to the new changes to the UNIWISC satellite
>datastream changes. I recently inherited the OSU Twister website, and am
>not yet completely familiar with LDM. I wish to keep the system ingesting
>the current products without dealing with the datastream changes yet. I
>followed the instructions per the unidata hottopics webpage to patch the
>ldmd.conf file (including stop and restart of LDM). For the most part, I
>haven't had luck getting consistent products - for a few hours I got some
>imagery, but most of the time I get nothing. I'm guessing whatever is
>wrong is probably something trivial that I'm not understanding correctly.
There was a problem on the machine injecting the imagery which was
only fixed last night. It is likely the case that the injection problems
coupled with your ldmd.conf changes were preventing the reliable ingestion
of the imagery.
>Here's my lines in the ldmd.conf file. I put in two new lines from each
>of the datafeeds we are currently using, hoping one of them would work.
>The new lines are indicated by carrats:
>>request UNIWISC "Q[01] (C[^GH]|U[^78DE])" pluto.met.fsu.edu PRIMARY
>>request UNIWISC "Q[01] (C[^GH]|U[^78DE])" flood.atmos.uiuc.edu PRIMARY
>Can you help me out? By the way, the satellite imagery on the website is
>at http://twister.sbs.ohio-state.edu/satellite.html
Can you tell me if your ingestion improved starting last night?
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Wed Jan 21 14:32:01 2004
Thanks Tom - you were right. I had to fix the pqact.conf file to account
for the change from 8km to 4km for the GOES-12 WV.
Ohio State ASP Web Staff
Chris Hennon
Phil Birnie
Andy Monaghan
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