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20030519: GOES-12 image sectors for IDD-Brazil (cont.)
- Subject: 20030519: GOES-12 image sectors for IDD-Brazil (cont.)
- Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 08:49:05 -0600
>From: David Garrana Coelho <address@hidden>
>Organization: UFRJ
>Keywords: 200304271920.h3RJKp7U006660 IDD MeteoForum IDD-Brazil
Hi David,
I am just checking in with a status update about image GOES-12
image sectors for UFPA, UFRJ and UBA.
Friday I setup some scripts that would be run from cron to produce
individualized image sectors for two ofthe three sites above. I had
intended to create a script for the third area today.
On Saturday, I started thinking more clearly about the possibilities
and decided to abandon the approach I was taking for a more global
solution. What I am developing now is a procedure that combines the
GOES-12 Northern Hemisphere (NH), Northern Hemisphere Extended (NHE),
and Southern Heisphere (SH) sectors from GOES-12 into composites from
which any sector can be selected (GOES-12 scans are done for particular
geographical regions; the only scans that cover both North, Central and
South America are only done every three hours). This will make the
generation of any sector by both South, Central, and North American
users very easy. I am creating these sectors for each imager channel
(referred to as band in McIDAS):
Band Wavelength Resolution Use
1 0.65 um 1 km Visible - Cloud Cover
2 3.9 um 4 km Night clouds; shortwave window
3 6.5 um 4 km Upper level water vapor
4 10.7 um 4 km Surface temperature; longwave window
6 13.3 um 4 km CO2; cloud height determination
The composites that will be created from the NHE and SH scans will have
complete coverage over all areas of interest. The composites created
from NH and SH scans will, unfortunately, have a large swath of missing
data over central Brazil. There is no way around this since there is
no GOES-12 data in the region for the times the scans are taken.
The sounder bands (the sounder is a separate instrument from the
imager) will not, unfortunately, be useful to folks in South America
since their coverage is limited to the continental US.
I will be working on the compositing routines today and then implement
the generation of the three sectors on brisa (this will now be very
easy, and easy to modify). I then want like to configure the 'mcidas'
account on brisa so that you can take a look at the image sectors being
created locally and the larger images which will be remotely accessible
from the host at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at the
University of Wisconsin. After all of that is working we will need to
discuss more precisely the areal extents of the sectors that you will
want/need for your mesoscale modeling efforts.
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*