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20021021: Update: Action Items from the NWS Partner Workshop (fwd)
- Subject: 20021021: Update: Action Items from the NWS Partner Workshop (fwd)
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:03:24 -0600
I thought you might be interested in the action item status at the NWS. Note
the action on the NOAAPort Product List!!!
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:43 PM -0400
From: Mary Newton <address@hidden>
Subject: Update: Action Items from the NWS Partner Workshop
(text form following)
National Weather Service
Partners Workshop 2002
June 28, 2002
Action Items
Last Updated: October 21, 2002
Quality Control (Jim Lee, OCWWS-Public Weather)
OS&T will provide to OCWWS, monthly updates on their AWIPS implementation
schedules for VTEC and Quality Control automated features
Release 5.2.2 is scheduled to deploy in September 2002. Systems Integration
testing is wrapping up in the
next two weeks. The VTEC string was expanded to the current string
requirements in this release.
OB1 is scheduled to deploy in Feb 2003. Software to facilitate the capability
to upgrade and downgrade a
long fuse watch/warning was checked in to the OB1 development tree. This
functionality is a precursor to
fully resolving VTEC tracking number issues. The build has entered the
preliminary software integration
test phase.
Contents for OB2 and OB3 remain as planned (briefed) to incorporate the
remaining fixes for VTEC (OB3)
and to implement QC for long and short fuse warnings (OB2 and OB3).
Build planning concerns may necessitate lengthening developer time and delaying
software check in. If this
comes to fruition, OB2 and possibly OB3 deployment dates will change
accordingly. Next month's status will
update this planning.
Develop a Quality Control Feedback Process for Partners
In progress.
Public/Private Partnership (Ed Johnson-Strategic Planning & Policy)
Need to inform partners when new experimental products are fielded. Explore
whether this needs to be a push type notification in addition to passive
We are still exploring the feasibility of equitably "pushing" announcements of
new experimental products to
all of our partners. The intent of this suggestion, as we understand it, can
be largely met by making scheduled
updates to the product inventory and "flagging" the links to new experimental
and operational entries. Whenever
someone wants to know if anything new has been added since the last update,
they just have to look for the flags.
This is what we will implement initially.
Need one web location for all experimental products
Rather than one web site for all experimental products, we will initially meet
our partner's access requirements
using a single site containing links to all experimental products. The links
are provided as part of the Product
Description Document which includes the period of the experiment and must be
approved before the product is
made available for external user access.
With approval of the NWS new product and services directive, these initial
solutions are being implemented.
We will invite partner feedback on whether they really do adequately meet the
needs stated at the workshop.
Public Weather (Jim Lee, OCWWS-Public Weather)
Need to couple 5 day hurricane predictions with hurricane strike probabilities
We recognize the need to couple 5 day hurricane predictions with hurricane
strike probabilities. However, strike
probabilities are derived by the distribution of actual storm locations versus
forecasted storm location. This
scheme addresses the question of how likely it is a storm will actually be
located in any portion of a region xx
number of days away. Since we have a very limited database of day 4 and 5
storm forecast and locations, it will
take several years of data to build a reliable database. "Closed"
Provide Partners the NWS Hurricane Verification Statistics
The slides containing the verification statistics are posted on the Partners
Workshop Web site.
Reference: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/datamgmt/slide_show/SKiser.ppt "Closed"
Ensure VTEC Implementation Allows for Capturing Synopsis Type Information
Requirement submitted in July 2002. Software capability will be available in
Keep the VTEC Web Site Current
Web site last updated in September 2002. This site points toward NWS1 10-1703
on the Directives Home Page for VTEC information. This procedural directive
has not been signed at this time.
Notify Partners of VTEC Changes
See next action item.
Involve Partners in VTEC Implementation. Marvin McGinnis, Jim Block, Chuck
and Bill Callahan are Willing to Participate
Marvin McInnis is a member of the Watch By county Software Implementation Team.
VTEC is a critical part of the Watch by county products. Marvin regularly
provides OS22 with VTEC input.
Do not implement the Watch County Notification (WCN) product without VTEC
There are no operational Watch County Notification products at this time.
Create a email List-serve capability to foster two way communications between
NWS and its Partners
This capability has been completed. "Closed".
Climate (Bob Livezey-OCWWS Climate Division)
Ensure Climate Products Stay Within the NWS Mission and Use Scarce NWS
Resources Wisely
The Climate Branch ensures that all products are within the NWS mission and
are using scarce resources wisely. The Branch feels this is being done
already. "Closed"
Water Services (Glenn Austin-OCWWS Hydrologic Services Division)
Investigate making AHPS Digital Data Available to NWS Partners.
We are determining the scope and priority of this new requirement. The topic
was discussed most recently at the NWS Flash Flood Workshop (August, 2002)
IFPS/NDFD (Mike Tomlinson-OCWWS Operations/Requirements Division)
Announcement about IFPS Should be Issued Within Two Weeks and Should Include
Information About the Size, Time Frames, Bandwidth, Formats, etc
The structure of the products available from the FTP site will be 16
geographically overlapping sectors each containing files with all elements and
time periods. The large number of files and required WMO headers is being
managed by the Office of Operational Systems. They expect to have everything
reprogrammed this month (October). The notification statement is in final
Provide More Formal Partner Interactions
Still exploring approaches to this action.
Dissemination (Bob Mcleod-OCWWS Performance & Awareness Division)
(Julie Hayes - OOS Operations Support and Monitoring
Give Time Frame for NOAAPort Channel Reconfiguration.
The NOAAPort Channel reconfiguration is Part 2 (mid?term solution) in a process
of putting higher resolution
model data (Eta 12) on NOAAPort. The compression scheme for the GOES East and
GOES West is currently
being experimented with on NWS test systems. The earliest the channel
reconfiguration would take place is in
the February 2003 time frame, but it is more likely to take place in late
spring or early summer 2003.
Give Time Frame for Adding New Radar Products to NOAAPort.
Below is a complete list of Radar products broadcast on NOAAPort. You can keep
up to date on any changes at
the following URL:
Beyond these products, there are no short term additional products expected.
Radar products broadcast on NOAAPort
General Status Message
?NXUS6i cccc
Base Reflectivity ? 124 nmi Range (0.50 Degree Elevation Angle)
?SDUS5i cccc
Base Reflectivity ? 124 nmi Range (1.45/1.50 Degrees Elevation Angle)
?SDUS2i cccc
Base Reflectivity ? 124 nmi Range (2.40/2.50 Degrees Elevation Angle)
?SDUS2i cccc
Base Reflectivity ? 124 nmi Range (3.35/3.50 Degrees Elevation Angle)
?SDUS3i cccc
Base Reflectivity ? 248 nmi Range (0.50 Degree Elevation Angle)
?SDUS7i cccc
Base Radial Velocity ? 124 nmi Range (0.50 Degree Elevation Angle)
?SDUS5i cccc
Base Radial Velocity ? 124 nmi Range (1.45/1.50 Degrees Elevation Angle)
?SDUS7i cccc
Composite Reflectivity ? 16 Levels, 124 nmi Range
?SDUS5i cccc
Echo Tops (only available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS7i cccc
Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) Wind Profile
?SDUS3i cccc
Storm Relative Mean Radial Velocity (0.50 Degree Elevation Angle) (only
available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS5i cccc
Storm Relative Mean Radial Velocity (1.45/1.50 Degrees Elevation Angle) (only
available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS2i cccc
Storm Relative Mean Radial Velocity (2.40/2.50 Degrees Elevation Angle) (only
available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS2i cccc
Storm Relative Mean Radial Velocity (3.30/3.50 Degrees Elevation Angle) (only
available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS3i cccc
Vertically Integrated Liquid (only available in precipitation mode)
?SDUS5i cccc
Radar Coded Message
?SDUS4i cccc
Free Text Message
?NOUS6i cccc
Surface Rainfall Accumulation ? One Hour Running Total
?SDUS3i cccc
Surface Rainfall Accumulation ? Storm Total
?SDUS5i cccc
Digital Precipitation Array
?SDUS8i cccc
Products added after the ORPG is implemented and the LAN connection between the
ORPG and AWIPS is established.
This implementation is currently proceeding as scheduled with a completion
expected this fall.
Explore Providing Third FTP Service Free to Emergency Managers
See next action item. "Closed"
Communicate Information About the Proposed Third FTP Service
The third FTP service was reviewed as an improved access option to our users in
place of the tgftp service. We have, however, significantly improved the
performance of our open FTP service. This achievement now makes the third FTP
service unnecessary. This was achieved by placing the HTTP and FTP functions
into separate servers. The server performance problems experienced under the
old system have been eliminated in the new system design. "Closed"
Put All Attendees on the NOAAPort Email List
This has been completed. "Closed".
Provide a Readable NOAAPort Product List
In progress. In the interim, a NOAAPort listing of products in WMO Heading
format is available at ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/msgdist/ncf.txt. Data
Management Communication Identifier Definition References can aide in
deciphering these headings. The URL address for these references is
Need Close Partner Contact on the "All Hazards" Dissemination Plans
Dissemination Services (W/OS51) updated the "All Hazards" web page at
www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/allhazard.htm and created two one?page Fact Sheets titled,
"All Hazards NOAA Weather Radio (NWR)" and "AMBER Alerts and the National
Weather Service" in September 2002. The Fact Sheets may be downloaded,
printed, linked to and forwarded to others.
A notice that the Fact Sheets are available on the
www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/allhazard.htm web page was emailed to all NWR and
Emergency Alert System (EAS) equipment manufacturers and NWR web page Update
Email list recipients who have expressed the desire to be notified of such
information and to all NWS Regional Offices. The Fact Sheets were distributed
at the NWR Exhibit at National Association of Broadcasters Radio Show in
Seattle and at the NOAA exhibit at the Homeland Security Tech Expo in
Washington, DC, both in September.
---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
Linda Miller - address@hidden
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
URL: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html