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20020826: UNIWISC data feed; NIMAGE data feed
- Subject: 20020826: UNIWISC data feed; NIMAGE data feed
- Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 14:32:09 -0600
>From: David Fitzgerald <address@hidden>
>Organization: Millersville University of Pennsylvania
>Keywords: 200208262013.g7QKDbZ08844 UNIWISC
>Our weather station manager says we ought to be able to get
>satellite imagery every 15 minutes.
The GOES platforms do CONUS scan nominally every 15 minutes.
>I only see the documentation for the hourly feeds which we already get.
The UNIWISC images are only available once per hour (except for the
Mollweide and Antarctic composites which are only available every three
>Is this possible in the LDM or do we have to go some other route?
We could supply you with imagery from the NIMAGE feed which would give
you imagery every 15 minutes, but you have to answer the question of
whether or not you can handle the volume of data over your internet
connection and on disk. For instance, the 1 km VIS images from
NOAAPORT are each 26 MB when expanded using the ldm-mcidas decoder
pngg2gini. Since there are two platforms providing these images
(GOES-East and GOES-West), it means that you would need to be able to
store 100 MB of data every hour for these two products alone. After
compression, the VIS images are on the order of 14 MB each. The
network bandwidth, therefore, needed to ingest just the VIS images is
64 MB/hour.
So, the question back to you is whether or not you can handle this data
volume. If so, we can set you up with a feed. If not, all of this
imagery is already available to you via McIDAS ADDE. The imagery in
question is that that lives in the GINIEAST and GINIWEST datasets whose
access is built into the McIDAS MCGUI. You may want to play around
with accessing those images using MCGUI to get a feeling for what the
15-minute temporal resolution will give you.
No worries.