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- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:24:59 -0600
>From: "Sarah Delene Winters" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NCSU
>Keywords: 200206122004.g5CK4TJ19611 RADAR Satellite
>Thank you, this information has been very helpful.
You are welcome.
>Do you know of any other
>universities/ research groups that are familiar with the GINI format?
Unfortunately, no.
>Do you
>know of any software that has been developed that will help with the process
>of injesting data that comes in the GINI format into a model?
Again, I am sorry to say that we are not aware of any group that is
doing this at the moment. Since the GINI format does not allow for
storage of two byte image data, images stored in the format are less
likely to be used by the modeling community. Exactly what they are
using is not known to me, but I suspect that a number of folks are
using images in McIDAS AREA format.
You may want to pose your question to one or more Unidata-maintained
email lists. I would suggest ldm-users, gembud, and mcidas-x. Please
remember that you must be a subscribed member of a Unidata-maintained
email list before you will be allowed to post to it. You can subscribe
to any/all of the email lists that we maintain online at:
Please wait until you receive confirmation of your subscription to a
list before posting to it. Thanks!
>Your help, again, is greatly appreciated.
No worries. Good luck with your project...
>Sarah Slusser
So, is it 'Sarah Slusser' or 'Sarah Delene Winters'? :-)
Tom Yoksas