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20020514: access to recent data
- Subject: 20020514: access to recent data
- Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 07:38:38 -0600
>From: Jim Smith <address@hidden>
>Organization: Princeton
>Keywords: 200205141317.g4EDHoa09632 Unidata-Wisconsin archive
>I have been attempting to access neartime GOES-8 data from
>unidata.ssec.wisc.edu but cannot connect to the site.
>We have user access and password information but cannot connect to the
>machine. Can you help us get access?
About three weeks ago, unidata.ssec.wisc.edu experienced a catastrophic
disk failure; unidata.ssec will not be returning to service. A backup
machine was pressed into service for the generation of the realtime
supply of satellite images in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream, but it
does not perform any of the backup services that unidata.ssec does.
In a couple of weeks, an new machine will be installed at SSEC to take
the place of unidata.ssec. That machine will resume the provision
of Unidata-Wisconsin datastream archive access.
Depending on how far back you need to go, it is possible that one or
more Unidata sites has the image(s) that you need. Just how far back
do you need to go? If it is not too far back, we may have the images
you need.
If we don't have the imates you need, your best bet at this point may
be to subscribe to the address@hidden email list; wait for
confirmation that you have been subscribed; and then send out your
request to the list. You can subscribe/unsubscribe to any
Undiata-maintained email list online at:
Again, please wait until you receive notification of successful
subscription before posting.
>Thank you -
Sorry for the problems...
Tom Yoksas