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20020423: SSEC Unidata machine down
- Subject: 20020423: SSEC Unidata machine down
- Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 12:24:15 -0600
>From: UW SSEC Data Center <address@hidden>
>Organization: Space Science Data Center
>Keywords: 200204231724.g3NHOZa04700 Unidata-Wisconsin floaters
>Two things:
>1. We have been in contact with Tom Yoksas via phone. As of last
>evening he was going to notify the top level tiers (only) to failover to
>gold.ssec.wisc.edu UFN. We're wondering if this has happened as we do
>not see much activity in our logs?
Last night, I sent out an email to a list that contains all of the
sites known to have fed from unidata.ssec.wisc.edu. Unknown to me,
that mail bounced: it didn't bounce back to me personally or Unidata
Support, so I never saw the bounce indicator. I discovered that the
message had not been delivered this morning after looking through the
log files on gold.ssec.wisc.edu to see who had switched their feed.
After discovering the email bounce, I sent out messages to the
individuals at the sites that were apparently feeding from
unidata.ssec.wisc.edu before it crashed advising them to switch their
MCIDAS feed to gold. Since the individual mailing, two top level IDD
relay sites and the UW Met department have connected to gold:
The other sites that should have switched by now:
will be personally contacted to readvise them of the need to switch to
>2. We (SSEC) will need to enter the Educational floater parameters
>manually UFN.
Just what does 'UFN' stand for!?
>Please do not use the web interface for the floater information--instead
>please send mail with the requested coordinates to address@hidden.
I will pass this information along to the site that manages the floaters,
Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
>Thank You.
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Tue Apr 23 12:41:29 2002
Ok. Thank you Tom.