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20011207: NWS products-ifmemo: jif_memo_011207 (fwd)
- Subject: 20011207: NWS products-ifmemo: jif_memo_011207 (fwd)
- Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 12:57:52 -0700
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:49 PM -0500
From: John Ward <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: jifmemo: jif_memo_011207
-> John Ward <address@hidden> writes:
December 7, 2001
MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E
FROM: John H. Ward
Chief, Production Management Branch
SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite
The holiday moratorium will begin on Wednesday, 12 December
and run through Sunday, 6 January. All requests for scheduled
changes to the NCEP Production Suite for the week of 10 December
should have been received by Wednesday, 28 November. As always,
crisis changes will continue to be made throughout the moratorium
A list of the major model implementations planned for the
remainder of 2001 and a preliminary schedule for 2002 can be
found at:
As additional information about each implementation becomes
available, links will be added on the change summary page.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following crisis items were implemented this past week:
1020. FDFAX - IBM Job 246. (Kumar, NP12). This program
plots 12 hour forecast wind barbs and temperatures at several
United States cities using NCAR graphics. The program has been
modified to read GRIB type 104 fields in a random order. Prior
to this change, the program expected the GRIB fields to be in a
predetermined order, which resulted in an Eta model post
processing job failure when the 12km Eta model was implemented.
Done at 12Z on 30 November.
1021. DCSCD - IBM Job PQACT. (Ator, NP12). This program
decodes supplementary climatological data bulletins and then
re-encodes the output into BUFR for the observational database.
A logic error, which causes the program to get stuck in an
infinite loop while trying to process a miscoded bulletin, has
been corrected. Done at 04Z on 2 December.
This program processes the hourly Hydro meteorological Automated
Data System (HADS) gauge data for ingesting into the Stage II
multi-sensor (radar+gauges) hourly precipitation analysis. The
program has been modified to include a gross quality control (QC)
change, which tosses out gauge reports greater than 25mm/hr
instead of 125mm/hr. In preparation for future gauge quality
control efforts, a list of raw gauge reports is also being saved
as an ASCII file in /com. Done at 17Z on 3 December.
1023. ETA_ETAFCST - IBM Jobs 240, 284. (Lin, NP22. This
program generates the Eta forecast. Subroutine ADJPPT has been
modified to correct the erroneous calculation of soil
precipitation amounts. Done at 17Z on 3 December.
1024. SCRIPT - IBM Job AVNMOS. (Erickson, OSD211). Script
exavnmos.sh.sms executes programs which produce the AVN MOS (MAV)
forecasts. The script has been modified to correct a syntax
error within a block of logic testing which determined when to
perform conversion of thunderstorm and severe weather forecasts
from random access to sequential format. Done at 15Z on 4
1025. ETA_GRDETA - IBM Jobs 282, 230. (Rogers, NP22).
This program reads the GDAS first guess, the SST analysis, and
the snow/ice analysis and interpolates them to the Eta model
grid. The parameter "COAC" in the input cards has been changed
from 0.1 to 0.26667, which produces 2.6 times more diffusion on
the Eta grid and will eliminate the creation of spuriously large
gradients of wind and/or temperature, which can cause the model
to fail. Done at 20Z on 4 December.
1026. RSM_FHI - IBM Job RSMHI. (Juang, NP5). This program
generates a forecast over the Hawaiian Islands from the Regional
Spectral Model. The program has been modified to add an ERREXIT
with error code 10 when the ground pressure is out of reasonable
value at any given point. Done at 20Z on 5 December.
1027. ETA_PRDGEN - IBM Job 241. (Manikin, NP22). This
program produces Eta output for the 00 to 12 hour forecast times.
The product generator is run on the native file which generates
output on all of the needed Eta grids. The master file three,
instructs the product generator which fields to output on grids
212, 215, 216, 237, and 243, has been modified to correct a
problem with the 00 hour instantaneous snow cover field on grid
212 in NOAAPORT. The WMOGRIB program finds two snow cover fields
(an instantaneous and an accumulation) and uses the first one it
detects (in the file which is currently the accumulation). For
the 00 hour time, this field is zero at all points and is
therefore useless. The modification alters the order, so that
the instantaneous field is ahead of the accumulation. Done at
20Z on 6 December.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following unadvertised items were implemented this past
1028. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_hindprep_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). Script CLIM_HINDPREP.sms.prod performs the 21 year
hindcast preprocessing step for the Climate Atmospheric General
Circulation (CAGC) Model. The script has been modified to
initializing new variables CLINCOM and VYYYYMM for the ensemble
and climate mean data directories. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1029. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18. (Zhu,
NP11). Script CLIM_HINDCAST.sms.prod performs the 21 year
hindcast integration step for the CAGC Model. The script has
been modified to initializing new variables CLIMCOM and VYYYYMM
for the ensemble and climate mean data directories. Done at 12Z
on 4 December.
1030. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_forecast_00/12,
Clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18. (Zhu, NP11). Script
exclim_integrate.sh.sms performs the 21 year hindcast integration
step for the CAGC Model. The script has been modified to
initialize new variables CLIMCOM and VYYYYMM for the ensemble and
climate mean data directories. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1031. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_forecast_00/12,
Clim_hindcast_00/06/12/18. (Zhu, NP11). Multi-purpose script
clim_prepare_post.sh generates pressure GRIB files; submits
postprocessing jobs to run in the background and independent of
other jobs, which allows parallel processing of other CAGC model
forecast or hindcast jobs. The script has been modified to
initialize new variables CLIMCOM and VYYYYMM for the ensemble and
climate mean data directories. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1032. SCRIPT - IBM Job Clim_hindavrg. (Juang, NP5). This
script generates GRIB average and mean for hindcast from CAGC
model. The parent script JCLIM_HINDAVRG.sms.prod, has been
modified to initialize a date variable, which allows date passing
to all ensemble and climate mean subscripts. Done at 12Z on 4
1033. SCRIPT - IBM Job Clim_hindavrg. (Juang, NP5). New
script clim_climate_avrg.sh generates the climate mean of all
hindcast ensemble mean GRIB files for a specific time period,
using a beginning year and ending year. Done at 12Z on 4
1034. SCRIPT - IBM Job Clim_foreavrg. (Juang, NP5). This
script generates GRIB average and mean for forecast from CAGC
model. The parent script, JCLIM_FOREAVRG.sms.prod, has been
modified to initialize a date variable, which allows date passing
to all ensemble mean subscripts. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1035. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_foreavrg, Clim_hindavrg.
(Juang, NP5). New script clim_ensemble_avrg.sh generates climate
ensemble means of all ensemble members' GRIB file. Done at 12Z
on 4 December.
1036. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_foreavrg, Clim_hindavrg.
(Juang, NP5). New script clim_grib_average.sh calculates climate
ensemble mean averages from climate ensemble member GRIB files.
Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1037. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_foreavrg, Clim_hindavrg.
(Juang, NP5). Script exclim_postaverage.sh.sms generates GRIB
monthly average of forecast and hindcast files and archive the
outputs. The script has been modified to (1)generate ensemble
mean and climate mean, (2) generate ensemble mean of monthly
average of all members at the last member of each year, and (3)
generate climate mean of the ensemble mean of all years at the
last member of the last year. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1038. SCRIPT - IBM Jobs Clim_foreavrg_00/12,
Clim_hindavrg_00/06/12/18. (Zhu, NP11). Script clim_arch2hsm.sh
archives the CAGC model's pressure GRIB files, surface files, and
monthly average data. The script has been modified to reflect
the new directory location for the monthly average data, ensemble
data and climate mean data. Done at 12Z on 4 December.
1039. SCRIPT - IBM Job Clim_tartohsm. (Zhu, NP11). Script
JCLIM_TARTOHSM.sms.prod initializes variables for the CAGC
model's tape archival process and performs tape archiving. The
script has been standardized by separating it into two separate
scripts, a parent script and a processing script. The parent
script JCLIM_TARTOHSM.sms.prod, has been modified to initializes
variables for the CAGC model's tape archival process and an
environment variable has been changed from /hsmuser to /hsmprod.
The new processing script exclim_tartohsm.sh.sms, has been
created to perform the actual tape archival. Done at 12Z on 4
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Tuesday,
11 December:
1040. SCRIPT - IBM Job WSR_SETUP. (Toth, NP2). Script
setup_wsr is an interactive script used by the Senior Duty
Meteorologists (SDMs) to compile a list of Winter Storm
Reconnaissance (WSR) cases. The script is being modified to make
it more user friendly. The upgraded script includes prompts for
latitude before longitude information; provides default
verification information for subsequent observation times; and
checks whether computations can be carried out for a given
verification time.
1041. SCRIPT - IBM Job WRAPUP_WSR. (Toth, NP2). Script
wrapup_wsr.sh is an interactive script used by the SDMs after
evaluating graphical output generated by the WSR process. This
script generates a target flight(s) decision file and a flight
request file. The script is being modified to allow the use of
six new flight tracks 24-26 and 51-53. In addition to the
detailed target flight(s) decision file, a shorter decision file
is being generated for transmission.
1042. SCRIPT - IBM Job WSR_PRE. (Toth, NP2). Script
exwsr_pre.sh.sms converts NCEP and ECMWF global ensemble data
into a readable format for ingesting into the WSR process. The
script is being modified to process data in 12 hour intervals for
an extended period, up to 204 and 216 hours beyond the NCEP (from
00Z, and previous 12Z initial times), and 216 hours beyond the
ECMWF (from previous 12Z initial time) ensemble initialization
1043. WSR_REFORMAT.FD - IBM Job WSR_PRE. (Toth, NP2).
This program reads Global NCEP and ECMWF Ensemble GRIB files to
create a file for both ensembles for 0 to 180 hours lead time
every 12 hours. The program is being modified to correctly read
and process precipitation data.
This program computes geographical and temporal distribution
estimates of the "signal" variance associated with the targeted
data collected over a selected flight track. The program is
being modified to produce signal variance charts beyond +84 hours
from the observation time.
NP2). This program carries out sensitivity calculations for each
possible flight track. The program is being modified to include
six new flight tracks (#24-26 and #51-53).
This program carries out the general sensitivity calculations for
a selected search area and creates a text data file. The program
is being modified to produce signal variance fields for non-WSR
(when the nonstandard search area is used in the data entry
script) cases.
1047. SCRIPT - IBM Job WSR_MAIN. (Toth, NP2). Script
exwsr_main.sh.sms performs WSR sensitivity calculations. The
script is being modified to include the following new features:
(1) observation times that are supported for every 12 hours
increment between +24 hours and +120 hours, (2) signal variance
charts can be calculated for non-wSR cases where there are no
predefined tracks,(3) introduction of new flights 24-26 and
51-53, (4) and signal variance is calculated as needed beyond +84
hours after the observation time.
NP11). Script exnawips.sh.sms converts model output from GRIB
format into GEMPAK data format grids. The script is being
modified to add new fields on the Eta levels 270 through 327, in
3 degree increments, for both the 40km and 90km Eta grids. In
addition, the script will produce output on the Eta levels 270
through 327, in 3 degree increments, for the RUC2 model. Prior
to this change, only levels 270 through 309 were being produced
for the RUC2.
1049. DATACARDS - IBM Jobs Rfcmos (00Z and 12Z only), 380,
950. (Allen, OST22). These data cards contain station lists and
WMO headers for the FOUS12 MOS max/min temperature guidance for
the River Forecast Centers (RFC). The North Central RFC MOS
guidance is being converted from the old NGM/MRF based guidance
to the new AVN/MRF based guidance. The input cards are being
modified to reflect this change.
1050. BULLS_SELTCITY - IBM Jobs SC_00/12, TR_10/22.
(Kumar, NP12). This program generates the selected cities
FPUS20-23 KWNH bulletins. The program is being modified to add a
new line header "Hydro meteorological Prediction Center" after
the "National Weather Service" header line to Parts 1 through 4
of FPUS20-23 KWNH bulletins. In addition, "Key West" is being
added to the Selected Cities Part 2 of FPUS21 KWNH bulletin.
1051. FAXMAKR - Many IBM jobs. (Kumar, NP12). This
program generates facsimile (FAX) charts. The program is being
modified to change the Eta FAX charts' label from 22km to 12km.
-> Posted to jifmemo.
---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
Linda Miller - address@hidden
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
URL: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html