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20011030: IA AWOS data again
- Subject: 20011030: IA AWOS data again
- Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 10:31:24 -0600 (CST)
Sorry to be a dill of a pickle here, but there must be something
wrong with the AWOS data/network in Iowa. And since UNIDATA is the only
ones that answer emails, maybe you can help me out. hehe
Back in September, I sent an emailing to UNIDATA complaining about
5Z feed problems of AWOS data in Iowa.
I was sent back a helpful message saying that the products were
not reaching the SBN and thus not an issue with the IDD. In the back of
my mind, I wondered if it was a problem with local midnight here in Iowa.
So with the recent time change, I figured this problem should
become a 6Z Feed Peculiarity, as quess what, it is!
This is a AWOS network problem, except for two stations (FOD,CWI).
It was hypothesized by the local NWS that these two stations were two of
the original AWOS stations and may have different connectivity/software.
Anyway, the local NWS was not much help and I emailed Julie Hayes in DC,
but got nothing back, sigh.
Can UNIDATA use its allmighty power and fix this for poor me :)
At least verify again, that these products are not hitting the SBN.
Thanks a million,
* Daryl Herzmann (address@hidden)
* Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
* http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
From: Linda Miller <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:01:20 -0700
To: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>
cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: 20011031: 20011030: IA AWOS data still not in SBN stream (fwd)
Yeah, I know. I sent another note ccing Daryl again this a.m. I am wondering
if all of this has something to do with the fact that the NWS is in the process
of transferring all ASOS site management to the FAA (God help us!). Anyway,
maybe .................
Oops! NOTE: Julie just called me (8:45 a.m.). She said that currently the
data are being received through the SBN and they are trying to track it through
the Network Operations Control Center, to be sure it's getting on NOAAPort.
Anyway, I asked her to send the note to Daryl or to call him.....actually, he
didn't provide a telephone number, so she'll have to email him. That will be
done this a.m. I asked her to give a phone number of someone Daryl can call
when this happens, so they can track it immediately.
That's about all we can do, I think.
--On Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:11 AM -0700 Tom Yoksas
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Linda,
>> I'm assuming you sent this to me. Just wanted you to know that I forwarded
>> it to Julie Hayes last night. I cc'd the datastream list and suggested that
>> Dary interact with Julie. That has already gotten underway.
> Actually, Daryl said that he had tried contacting Julie, but had gotten
> no response:
> "Anyway, the local NWS was not much help and I emailed Julie Hayes in DC,
> but got nothing back, sigh."
> He was then pleading for Unidata (you with your NWS contacts) to work
> its (your) magic:
> " Can UNIDATA use its allmighty power and fix this for poor me :)
> At least verify again, that these products are not hitting the SBN."
> Tom
Linda Miller - address@hidden
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
URL: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/lmiller/un.act.html
From: Daryl Herzmann <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:08:54 -0600 (CST)
To: Linda Miller <address@hidden>
cc: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20011031: 20011030: IA AWOS data still not in SBN stream (fwd)
Thanks for your diligent help with this matter. I sure hope that
the ASOS network does not exhibit the problems that the AWOS network
currently does once the transition is finalized. btw, will the ASOS
stations report 3 times per hour, like the FAA AWOS do??
Thanks again,
From: Linda Miller <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:28:30 -0700
To: Daryl Herzmann <address@hidden>
cc: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20011031: 20011030: IA AWOS data still not in SBN stream (fwd)
Hi Daryl,
I seriously doubt there will be any changes with the reporting status of ASOS.
That would probably be a good question for Julie Hayes too. Maybe she has
heard some plans.
Sure hope things stabilize for the stations!
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Thursday, November 01, 2001 10:46 AM -0500
From: Julie Hayes <address@hidden>
To: Daryl Herzmann <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20011030: IA AWOS data still not in SBN stream (fwd)
Please provide me with your telephone number or contact me today. I really
would like to speak to you directly. I spoke to Linda Miller on yesterday and
explained what we found. The WMO header that you provided was correct. The
product was received and transmitted. We also verified that the product was
received at an AWIPS site.
Looking forward to your call.